Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh Lemon!

My colleague Cherlyn, help me buy the green lemon and they seems much bigger than what i have bought previously. And i shop around during lunch just now at NTUC & market, theirs also very big. Is that because they are of the same batch? I dont know, because NTUC is selling at $6.90/kg. But they are really big at NTUC today, as big as the yellow lemon...

mmm may be i shld do more enzyme since the big green lemons are available! BUT i do not have much more containers left, only 1 which i just bought from Ikea last week... how... the rest will can only be "harvest" this weekend... may be i can buy & store in the fridge ...mmm

Last night I tasted the orange enzyme which i "harvest" on Sunday. omg, it tasted like "beer" & it has a layer settled, so need to shake abit, then it really look & tasted like "beer", of course no alcohol content lah...It is also very sour...because on the 3rd-4th day, i did not taste as then wasnt much juice available...resulted in sour hahaha....lesson learnt:- must taste the enzyme on 3rd-4th day...

I also bought the pear enzyme for my colleagues to try, well cherlyn quite like but not anne & corrine, corrine just feel that the after taste is sweet & it smell like her mum's chicken soup(OMG). However, after me saying the orange enzyme tasted like beer, she also wanna try some! And i warn her, that is much more sour...:D

Pineapple Enzyme

Finally, I have made the pineapple enzyme yesterday. Wow to "slaughter" the pineapple is so difficult. May be because i m not a fruit seller & as skillful, hahaha...

Pineapple rice

Ingredients for rice
Rice : 4 cups
Salt : 1/2 tsp
Pineapple Juice : 1 cup
Tumeric powder : 1/2 tsp
water based on 4 cups rice
Pandan leave : 4 or more leaves


  1. Rinse & drain the rice, pour into the rice cooker
  2. Add salt, pineapple juice, tumeric powder, stir well.
  3. Pour water & part 2 into the rice cooker till water level reach the indicator line point at 4 cups.
  4. Put in pandan leaves, press the start button.
  5. Fluff the rice when its cooked.
Ingredients for fried rice

Oil : 2tbsp
butter : 20g
shallots (remove skin, slice) : 8 cloves
Pineapple (cut into small piece) : 150g
Prawn (remove shell) : 200g
Ham (cut into small pieces) : 100g
Green pea : 50g
Lemon juice : 1-2 tbs
Some Pork floss


  1. Heat up wok with butter and oil, fry shallots till golden brown
  2. Add prawns fry till cooked
  3. Add ham, pineapple, green pea, stir fry
  4. Pour in cooked rice stir fry well
  5. Add salt, sugar, pepper, lemon juice to taste
  6. Sprinkle some Pork floss

Those items in red can be replaced with other preference such as hot dog, chicken etc to suit our own taste.

For information, we need to cook more rice because, the bottom layer rice will be burnt so we cant use. If we cooked exactly the amount of rice we consume, i afraid we may not have enough to fill all stomach.

You may want to visit this blog (DJ violet) to get more information or Chinese version of this recipe:-

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Papaya Enzyme

Today i also make papaya enzyme, I think making papaya enzyme is the cheapest of all. The whole big papaya cost only $1.35 and can make about 2 tins.

Mandarine Orange Enzyme

My orange enzyme is finally ready after 2 weeks... they all look the same in colour & also taste very the same...hmmm the content however must be different, cos they are of different fruits. But there is 1 fruit enzyme i made (in process) is of very different colour, that is red dragon fruit.


Last night i went to Tampines Ikea & Giant, I got another container from Ikea, 2L. Giant also selling the container that i m using. Err i m not advertising for any supermarkets, just that previously someone asked me, so i might as well find out more for all to consider.

This bottle can only be found in Ikea, if u go to the website u should be able to see. Cost $3.00.

The above container i bought from Ikea, some other places also selling similar ones, but i think Ikea price is more reasonable, is a 2L @ $4.00, they have 2 other sizes smaller,

This one above, I bought from NTUC before the GST increase @ $3.70 with 1.5L capacity. I also saw it at OG, Giant, Previously "Seiyu". If OG having sales with less 20% then OG will be the cheapest. I actually bought from Bedok central NTUC, but yesterday i went to check they have no stock, may can try Simei NTUC, the one right below the MRT, they selling lots of household items.

FYI only

Pineapple rice

This is my pineapple rice, well it doesnt looks as good as in DJ violet's blog, but still acceptable by my 2 elder kids. As this pineapple rice also meant for children, I did not put in the green pea & ham, and intend to replace with hot dog, but forgotten, abit sour, may be is the juice that added in last(abit too much bah). Will try again as requested...haha by Queenie

Double Rainbow @ kuantan beach

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pear Enzyme

I have pour out the Pear enzyme, well, yield slightly more than the grapefruit enzyme...heehee. And this time i used only the pear to make the Jam. Now i make very little first. If passed then i can make somemore later...

Pear Jam
Pear enzyme

Pineapple rice & pear enzyme

This the pineapple & tumeric poweder i bought from NTUC this morning for my pineapple rice tonight...heehee, big right...the left over pineapple can use to make enzyme if any

This is the green pear enzyme is ready to harvest liao. Later i will pour out let see how much enzyme it produce.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Green Lemon

Base on the pictures i taken last night, I think the green lemon really can make a lot of difference in producing "water". That morning(wed) i looked at the red dragon fruit & Kiwi Enzyme, the water level still remain the same leh!, I need to go search for the bigger lemon and replace them. Otherwise, at the end of 2 weeks, i may get much lesser enzyme!!!:(

Now they have produce enzyme of acceptable level:)

can refer here for English version of the enzyme http://hedycyy.blogspot.com

Red Dragon Fruit - Enzyme (updates)

Just for sharing:
Red dragon fruit with kiwi

These taken tonight(thu), it started on Monday night. Bubbles starting to form liao.

Red dragon fruit

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New tagboard

Today i change a new tagboard, cos the old keep giving me problem & out of alignment...this one nicer..

Tomorrow can harvest my pear enzyme liao, yeah!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pineapple Rice

DJ violet has publish the pineapple rice recipe, i will try it this weekend, bec it is my favourite, but just cannot find a store that can produce nice pineapple rice.

Shall post a picture if i make it... at the same time can make the pineapple enzyme...

Red Dragon Fruit - Enzyme

Red Dragon / Kiwi Fruit enzyme

Red Dragon fruit enzyme

White carrot enzyme

The wrong green lemon

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cloudy & Raining day

Dont know if later go back can capture clearer pictures, cos today is cloudy & raining day... no sun at all.

Enzyme - dragon fruit (Red)

Tonight i have made the red dragon fruit enzyme. But made a few mistake. 1st i bought the wrong green lemon. I don't know this batch is from which country, but they have seeds, smaller, and lesser juices. Usually i buy, they are either from Australia or Thailand, and the cost are $6.90 and $4.00 respectively per kg. And this batch cost only $3.00 per kg.

May be i should not be so greedy, but green lemon are really hard to find, even the expensive one, they are usually very little in quantity or not in good/acceptable quality. They also don't replenish their stock regularly, that's why is difficult to get.

2nd, i broke my big glass container when i pour in hot water, sigh! again this big container is about the same price as my those 1.5L containers. So again "Yi fen cian yi fen huo" bah. I have another but didnt take out to wash, so use back my that 1.5L container..and another one i bought from Ikea (abt 1.1L capacity) cost abt $3.00. Bec i intend to make alot so when i broke the big one, i need another one to make up the capacity...as if i making to sell. Now i know why they need to sell so expensive liao.

I also top up the white carrot, but they isn't producing much juices.

Tomorrow, i will post the pictures, bec just now i took the pictures wasn't very nice. I will retake again when i get home before sunset then the results will be better.

Oh ya before i forgot, last night i used the fruit residues from grapefruit to make JAM, haha not very successful, BECAUSE, i put too much lemon in and become too sour liao. i try again when i open the green pear enzyme on this friday or sat.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Enzyme - Grapefruit

Today i open my grapefruit enzyme after 14 days, but quite disappointing because the 1.5l container only produce most 600-700ml of enzyme. The bottle i bought from Ikea is 1l capacity.

I also use the left over fruit to make jam. but don't know if it is successful

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Enzyme - carrot

Today i made the carrot enzyme, yesterday managed to get organic carrot from NTUC, look quite ok, so i bought, but abit expensive. Total about $6. The "mai ya tang" can be found at supermarket. At first, i still went round chinese medical halls & asked, but they dont have, lucky i found them at supermarket later. Not very expensive, about $1.50. I made the white carrot for my children, because they have cough. The last round i have already made once and they have finished. Hope it can really help, because i have already spent alot of $$ on seeing doctors (western or chinese). Sigh!

Enzyme - Mandarin Orange

Today is Day 5 and the bubbles are overflowing out of the container. Next time, must not fill to the top, cos when bubbles forms, they will burst out. See below bubbles, so much.

By the way, i have bought the white carrot to make the enzyme tomorrow, but the green lemon, is quite difficult to buy. Either they are not fresh or they are too expensive. sigh!


The mandarin orange, i pour over to another container and cut the orange then top-up so that more juice is seen. This is on DAY 3.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I think my mandarin orange cutting not quite correct, cos the juice din really come out, later must ask around. Think must cut like the lemon. heehee

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Orange Enzyme

Yesterday, I made the Mandarin orange & top up the pear enzyme. Looks very colourful, looks like the orange also produce less water than grapefruit & dragon fruit. I wanted to try pineapple enzyme, but mmm weak stomach people need to consume after meals instead of empty stomach.

To sum off the pear enzyme

use another 1.5 big pear ($1 each pear)

another 3-4 lemons, cos it taste abit too sweet.

Pear Enzyme
Day 3

Day 3 before topping up

Mandarin Orange Enzyme Day 1

8 oranges = $2.40
6 green lemons= 1kg=$4
brown rock sugar