Thursday, May 04, 2017


I have forgotten about writing this week due to a public holiday.

Planning for a vocation in June. It has been years since we went on a vocation in June. June is rather short especially if the children have to go back to school. However, I decided to have one this year as girl going to start school in August and she might not be able to have holiday with us in Dec. And she had wanted to go a to a English country, but the father not very willing to let her go with her friend there, as we deem unsafe. I m however willing to let go, then the friend's parents also not willing so they call off the trip. There I planned one with our family instead. The younger ones were overwhelmed!

For once, I m travelling in June and for once I booked a trip so last minute. Lucky the Air ticket wasn't that expensive as compared to going to Korea. Now left with planning the itinerary. Will do it when the girls finished their exam next week. I am getting excited too. So long I have not stepped into the Land, 22-23 years!

I must also plan what crystal to buy. There are quite a number of crystal shops there.

Holiday shall start soon!