Monday, October 29, 2007

Enzyme - Grapefruit (Green skin)

This is a new type of grapefruit (Green skin), i saw it at NTUC yesterday morning, quickly buy 2...@$1.20 each. But when i return in the night, no more liao...and make them into enzyme lah.
Quite sweet when i tried it today, but no more le, may be later when more stock comes bah...

But after i peeled off the skin, it become very small, the skin is quite thick....

Some information:
The enzyme book is now run out stock at Tampines popular today, because i bought the last 2 copies for my cousins....they also cannot find....but i asked the staff if they are taking in more stock, she said yes, but dont know when....

Enyzme - Lemon

Today, i finally harvested my 1st batch of lemon enzyme...I used 5 lemon and nearly a pack of rock sugar...harvested about 400ml...slightly abit too sweet, may be 6 lemons will be nicer...haha...but after all the taste is really nice...

And after i pour into the bottle,wooo looks like beer leh...see the white bubbles on top, nearly overflow, cos it slowly formed after i pour in....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stress Management Through Body Awareness

This is the course i attended these 2 days. Very interesting. Very different from those usual course. This involves body exercise, we lie on the floor on a mat doing relaxation & breathing exercise on the 1st day afternoon. hahaha felt a sleep in the middle of it...too comfortable...The course instructor is an American, Bob Feldman.

Extract from the booklet, is very meaningful:-
The Paradox of Our Time

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.

We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time, we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, not life to years.

We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space.

We’ve done larger things, but not better things.

We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less.

We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, and shorter character; steep profits, and hollow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.

These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are the days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw-away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose to either share this insight, or to just hit delete.

George Carlin

More from Bob Feldman:-
Do Something everyday that brings you joy,
Something that you love to do AND
that leaves you ENERGISED and REFRESHED.

Yesterday morning, when my husband alighted me on the roadside near our flat, our car was being bump into by the car behind, when i was alighting half-way thru, so i was kind throw off...i was shocked and angry, very very angry...lucky was oni hit on the hip-bone...some bruise on it... just cant understand why these ppl wanna follow so closely when it was a raining day...hazi.....both car no damage lah!!!!i just want to pen down this accident...because i was really very very angry, still very very angry now when mentioned!!! closed!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Enzyme - Orange

Just now made orange enzyme using the big big tub to make 15 sunkit oranges. because i think i wouldnt be quite free the coming weeks due to primary school exam...mothers are always very fearful of their children school exam, mi also no exception, of course not expecting the children to be the top but at least do well, dont come back all band III can already........
15 oranges
6 small green lemons
2 pack of rock sugar (no stock at home liao)

This the grapefruit enzyme due yesterday, but today then harvest, because too buzy....

not too bad yield about 800ml + 230ml

This is the shoe cabinet. the doors alignment are not cant really show...

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Today I m super buzy in to cover normal duty and do the "project"... sian ... this "project" is like time reply my friend's SMS also...dont like it...and next Monday & Tuesday still got to go to attend course elsewhere (take a break)sigh!!! 3plus, realised that i missed out 1 set of accounts haven send to process, quickly rush like hell and my eyes like wanna pop-out liao...all the numbers and re-alignment aiyo 真要命啊!最气的是,那些IT的人还来挑我的spelling error.好想问他是IT 还是english teacher!只是header title only 吗?not even content of anything leh....终于在五点做完了.

On the way home in the MRT, met my long time no see poly friend June...very happy to see her again after 9-10 years wow thats long long time her contact no and try to meet up with her...seeing her really brighten my day...她变美了.真的好开心遇见老朋友!

Enzyme - dragon fruit (Red) going to burst!

Just now came back and saw this, they going to burst anytime!OMG...1st time come across this situation leh...making enzyme for more than 3 months liao...really very up and scope out the bubbles then pour the smaller tub into a big tub...

These 2 on the left & top right, haven transfer....

after transferring

top-up with some more rock sugar

This the pineapple i made yesterday....bought 3 pineapples, then while cutting the 3rd pineapple, many many ants ran out & i throw the 3rd one away, thats y oni like tat loh...actually i bought back that time already wash, soak, & brush them...still got ants and were so so so many....terrible

Friday, October 19, 2007


This cake i bought from prima deli, but not as nice as that day's durian. This is Raspbery Seduction...toooo sweet children also dont quite like it....lucky it is not so big....may be next time can ask aunty irene to come up with a recipe for this but not too sweet..oopss!.......<“and plus no cream”,queenie said!> It is too creamy also....

Today came home earlier because the furniture shop wanna to deliver shoe cabinet. That day went to see, it was a warehouse type, newspaper advertised it having we went...asked about the advertisements they put on the paper on the shoe cabinet, then they only have catalogue to see but not the actual cabinet to see, and say the delivery need 2 weeks, because they need to collate a no of orders then can deliver....ok...we pay...after paying he say because these goods are the quality control failed ones, that's y need to wait for the shipment to come...omg 我进了黑店!太晚了,钱都付了....anyway it only a shoe cabinet of $88+GST+delivery=$126.26....ok...没下次了。

各天他来电say yesterday he show us that model is not promotion item, wan us to go back n reselect again!!!???This is the 1st time i encountered such thing. 1st, we din tell him which model, but say the newspaper advertisement, and he is the one who show us the catalogue. ok, nvr, we go back n reselect, lucky the design still within our reselect....don't don't ever ever go there. It is opposite bedok MRT station, a factory being converted into a furniture warehouse sale...u know where! camera no bat, no cant take a pic of cabinet....well very very bad workmanship...tmr night bah...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Birthday Cake!

This was my birthday cake, bought from prima deli, is a very small durian cake. Because it was durian, thats why this small cost $28. Ok, quite nice, but not too much 。。。。

oops! sorry my BD was last saturday...heehee...

but just this month of Oct, there are many people's BD, at least in my list there are 10 people including myself...woooo so many.......Birthday Month of the year!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Enzyme - dragon fruit

I harvested the dragon fruit with little kiwi, but haven taste it...prefer it cold...slightly more than 600ml only.

Enzyme : Lime

I made 2 tubs of lime, 1 on Sat, 1 on Sunday. But forgot to take a pic for the sat's, so i have here is the sunday's one.

Enyzme - cucumber

Bought 5 cucumbers made into 2 tubs on friday...but not organic this time cos since they have quite fresh ones at SNS...otherwise would have buy organic ones .

Harvested this organic cucumber for Janie's hubby,cos went to visit them this afternoon...but not much also about 650ml only...

Enzyme - dragon fruit (Red)

Top-up the earlier tub made on Thursday.

Made another 2 tubs of red dragon fruits

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Enzyme for expecting mothers! - Lemon





柠檬去皮,籽, 切薄片,以蔗糖一起发酵两星期。


Caroline & Edward:

恭喜恭喜to you, new mother & father to be...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Enzyme : lime

But very little only, about 400 ml....

Last night also harvested the lime, quite nice leh, dont have the wine taste, very strong lime taste..

Enzyme - dragon fruit (Red)

Bought these red dragon fruit from SNS, 2 for $3.50. Bought 6.

So made another tub....

Enzyme : Papaya

This tub, after top-up. Made on Monday...

New tub made last night.

Looks quite ok, but actually very hard to is not soft but hard even the red part of the fresh........

Made another tub of papaya last, which i bought from SNS on Monday. However, it is still not looks ok...quite hard to cut & also use to top up the tub i made on Monday.....
see the horizontal line, me trying to cut it on Monday, but cannot, now it become yellow i still cannot cut through, got to ask my husband to help........hahaha

Enzyme : orange

Harvested the orange enzyme last night......very very nice....taste like orange juicy, fresh orange juicy...but too bad oni about 400ml......forgot to take picture after pouring out.......

Thursday, October 11, 2007


今天boss说新人会join 我的 team。 我以经有一个新人了(九月刚来的),又要来一个,然后拿两个旧人去别的team...=(两个旧换一个新的,我不是很吃亏吗?)不是新人不好,但是新人要教很多很多,我们又非常忙。今年已经把我的team来rotate两三次了.好不容易fight来多一个人,先在又要拿出来,我又要在开战了。真累!有新的workscope就会加在我的队,难到这些都不是工吗?都看不到吗?听不到吗?我已经说到嘴都干了,他们也听到累了,还是没用???

如果不是为了service我的房屋待款,我一定马上quit的。很累的:( 然后就有时间可以到Aunty Irene哪学做蛋糕了。。。梦想!!!》


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Power of Enzyme

Because i took antibiotic last night and went to bed, i had some stomach discomfort this morning when i woke up . Then i dont know to eat breakfast, or take antibiotic or to take enzyme cos very early wor (5.50am). Then i decided, take enzyme, so i took the grapes enzyme....wooooo wonderful! like a stream of hot water flowing the discomfort is was instant effect...

As i have gastric problem whenever i eat late, oni slightly later oni, i will have gastric liao. But since i started taking enzyme, the gastric problem never surface again...whenever i v hungry i will drink enzyme first if meal is still sometime yesterday because i was sick went to see doctor and the nurse said that this antibiotic is very mild can take b4 food, and take b4 food the result will be better lah...sooooo i follow.....and ended up this morning nearly got gastric problemmm....

Though i have been taking enzyme for quite sometime liao, but this is the 1st time i can feel the result so instantly....:D

So to those got gastric problem, this enzyme can help....


Change my blogskin again...cos the previous one the width too narrow, dont quite like...this one wider...also l love coffee...especially kopi "O" kau in the morning..."ya kun" hahaha also like latte, but latte here very expensive...unlike in the states...the price here is more than double after conversion....sigh! so once in a blue moon bah!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Green Papaya

This the green papaya i bought from SNS instead of Sheng shong this time. Cheaper leh, $1.55 each oni...oni the centre one used to make....the other 2 not ripe, my knife cannot cut through...hahaha..

Just now top-up the grapefruit, trying to put in 2 more but too full so use the scoope to take out some juicy and fruits ....into a smaller container, no need to pour away and not wasted...

Bought this scoope from Daiso, very nice to use. I used this to scoope up the excess enzyme, or use to taste the enzyme...Nice right!

Enzyme - Orange

These 2 tubs of orange oni procduced about 1200ml of enzyme....sigh!!! moreover these 2 tubs are bigger ones of about 2.2l each.

Probably they are not so juicy bah...
1st tub's

2nd tub's

Enzyme - Grapefruit

Made this tub of Grapefruit on Saturday, today can top-up some more, already used 4 grapefrui here...

My New blogskin

Welcome to my new blogskin!

Today i harvested the orange enzyme and made another tub of radish with oligo.

Yesterday, made a tub of grapefruit.
4 grapefruits used. Still have 2 more.

Will post the picture tmr, cos too late liao. Hope u all will like my new blogskin.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Enyzme - cucumber

Harvested this non organic cucumber today, quite alot, almost 800ml