Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Power of Enzyme

Because i took antibiotic last night and went to bed, i had some stomach discomfort this morning when i woke up . Then i dont know to eat breakfast, or take antibiotic or to take enzyme cos very early wor (5.50am). Then i decided, take enzyme, so i took the grapes enzyme....wooooo wonderful! like a stream of hot water flowing the discomfort is was instant effect...

As i have gastric problem whenever i eat late, oni slightly later oni, i will have gastric liao. But since i started taking enzyme, the gastric problem never surface again...whenever i v hungry i will drink enzyme first if meal is still sometime yesterday because i was sick went to see doctor and the nurse said that this antibiotic is very mild can take b4 food, and take b4 food the result will be better lah...sooooo i follow.....and ended up this morning nearly got gastric problemmm....

Though i have been taking enzyme for quite sometime liao, but this is the 1st time i can feel the result so instantly....:D

So to those got gastric problem, this enzyme can help....


Change my blogskin again...cos the previous one the width too narrow, dont quite like...this one wider...also l love coffee...especially kopi "O" kau in the morning..."ya kun" hahaha also like latte, but latte here very expensive...unlike in the states...the price here is more than double after conversion....sigh! so once in a blue moon bah!