Sunday, April 09, 2017


I have been practising prosperity for weeks, and sometimes it is effective sometimes it is not. I do know that we should always focus on positive, but sometimes the negativity will just appear. I guess I have to keep practising and pushing away the negative.

Over the week, more positive than negative appear to me. I was treated lunch by my immediate supervisor because she just has her promotion. Another colleague bought me my favorite Soju because I gave her some "information" on numerology and she was amazed how accurate. Then I sold my pair of used Everbest Shoes after quite a long time. At least it helps me to save space for other shoes and earn back some money. And finally, my hubby's aunty gave us a treat (dinner) because she strike lottery. So nice of them, and I am really grateful.

Thank you.

I am practising prosperity for me to buy back my own time instead of selling my time to company. I also wish to bring much more comfortable life for my family, with bigger / prettier house and travelling without limits.

These are the affirmation for the day:
I spend money wisely;
I have more than enough;
I am receiving more money today;
I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect;
Everyday in every way, my wealth is increasing;
I welcome abundance and I share in abundance and all the riches of the planet with everyone I meet;
I am attracting more and more money everyday;
I am a wealth creator;
I am becoming more abundant by the day;
The Universe conspires to give me everything I need;
Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily;
I am using the money to bless my life and other people's lives;
I deserve all good things;
I love money and money love me;
I am grateful for my ever-increasing wealth and prosperity;
I am becoming richer by the second;
I am a money magnet;
I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined;
I create wealth and prosperity with case;
I thank Universe for all the prosperity that is mine today.

So what is your desire?