Sunday, April 02, 2017

Annual Promotion

Will start out to write "Newsletter" weekly, hope I am not writing irrelevant stuff.

Will start off with the common topic on annual promotion. March is the month across most government agency, will exercise their annual promotion announcement. Though my company is not a government agency, we practice this exercise this month as well.

By 31 March, this day every year, there are always people with happy mood, sad mood and angry mood.

Happy mood needless to say, they are promoted.
Sad mood also needless to say, they are not promoted.
The last group, angry mood. These group of people are usually not promoted and angry at those people promoted. Why? It is because their contributions are not being recognised, while those promoted, did not or contribute much lesser, yet they are given the recognition and promotion.

This year we have a good example. One executive who was assigned more work and work hard in the past year, was not promoted. While the other executive, had taken many leaves, absent and had nothing much to do during the same period, was promoted. So one of them I assumed is angry, while the other one is elated.

My own scenario in the past, the manager took 2 months of Hospitalisation leave and refused to come back to hand over the work, was promoted. I was also the manager, had to cover her work in her absence, have higher output than the manager was not only not promoted but also had a drop in grade. How unfair! Angry mood, till now.

In my 20 years working life, this is common. Is there a way to end such unjustified treatment? Until now, I don't think there is. Because, there are management who like people to carry favour. There are also management who go by the book. When these 2 types are in the same company such conflict will sure surfaced.

The best way to get out of this cycle, is to buy back our time instead of selling them to company and get such treatment.

Congratulation to those promoted!
For those not promoted, we all know you have work and work hard!