Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yoga - Child Pose

These yoga "child pose" is good if u need to visit the loo very frequently for normal person. My 2nd daughter used to always want to go to the loo to urine, then we asked her to do these pose, for over a period of 2-3 weeks, then her condition improved, now ok le. That was last year. Now, my 3rd girl also facing the same problem, we also asked her to do these, in a week, her condition shown some improvement. Usually, i will count with them until 50, and increase to 60, so in a way they also learn counting. So wanna share.


Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips.

Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs. Broaden your sacrum across the back of your pelvis and narrow your hip points toward the navel, so that they nestle down onto the inner thighs. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis while you lift the base of your skull away from the back of your neck.

Lay your hands on the floor alongside your torso, palms up, and release the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor. Feel how the weight of the front shoulders pulls the shoulder blades wide across your back.

Balasana is a resting pose. Stay anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Beginners can also use Balasana to get a taste of a deep forward bend, where the torso rests on the thighs. Stay in the pose from 1 to 3 minutes. To come up, first lengthen the front torso, and then with an inhalation lift from the tailbone as it presses down and into the pelvis.

Contraindications/ Cautions*

knee injuries or problems like cartilage/ligament tears* ankle problems* avoid for those with high blood pressure, eye or ear infections* pregnancy* diarrhea


gently stretches lower back, hips, thighs, knees, ankles* relaxes spine, shoulders, neck* increases blood circulation to the head reducing headaches* massages internal organs* calms the mind (central nervous system) and helps relieve stress and tension

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

African Violet

These my new plant, African Violet, i bought 2 pot of the same colour, there was another one more to the red, but it doesnt look good, so these 2 lah. Quite pretty flowers....good for indoor, but i understand they quite difficult to look after....recently have been more into green.... nice?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ginger Enzyme

Finally, bought the Ginger last night and made this afternoon. I follow the ratio because this is ginger.....we will wait for it to yield in 2-3 weeks time...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ginger Enzyme


Fresh Young Ginger 150g
Fresh Mature Ginger 150g
Lemon 200g
Oligo 90g
Honey 250g

Ginger and lemon need to be rinsed, dried and slice.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Green Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day!... I have been planting greens in my workstation in office and home and influenced my colleagues as well. We now crazy about the water baby and crystal baby.......they really look pretty in glass containers with money plant, African violets and corn palm....soon we will turn our workstations into mini forest!.....More oxygen and cleaner air! This is the least i can do, and using more re-usable bags....forgot to take photos....will post soon!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Everything is rising!$$$

Recent months the cost of almost everything is rising except our salary! Oil, from what i remembered a barrel of USD30 plus to now USD115....Our rice....only rice prices have increased but it allow the stallholder to find excuses to increase the price of their other food! sigh!!!A bowl of chicken rice cost $1.20 without chicken, a cup a plain water $1.00!!!and many more.....Next time go out remember to bring drinking water and more!

seeing doctors also cost more (almost double) from $20plus to now $40 plus, because they have new regulation with effect from 1 April to itemised their bill, i.e. to list down all the medicines and their price, as such we need to pay more. Lucky today i went back to see my old family doctor, they do itemised but can maintain the low price of only $20plus. If not just normal flu, cough without antibiotics will now cost $40 plus....otherwise, we really 能死不能病。

The most shocking is my girl's pre-school's fee. From my 1st girl's fee of $65 to now $96 and next year $122 (for short 3.5 hrs lesson everyday). The most expensive estate in Singapore! Other estates like woodland, yishun their charges just $30plus to $40plus and will increase to about $70plus from July. I dont understand why their charges can vary so wide! When all the PCF are in Singapore. Unless they are also practising matured estate price and new estate price...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Clean the air

This above is called corn palm, also known as iron plant (铁树). Bought 1 pot of it from Shop & Save. 1 pot consist of 3 plants, so i removed them from the pot and plant them in the glass bottle with water baby in it. But the tallest, i plant it back into the pot because it is too tall and there are some worms crawling. And i bring one of it to office. I read about it from Sat's straits Times, that this iron plant, Dumbcane, Boston fern and Money plant are good green air-purifiers and they are easy to grow and do well in an indoor environment. "They take in toxins and break them down with the help of microbes in the compost." Just a general rule, indoor plants require less water than those grown outdoors. The soil should feel damp, not soggy.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Finally i m on mc today, after struggling for the pass 2 days in office....very long time never sleep for so long...after sending my girls to school this morning, i went to sleep until about long right....hahaha...then afternoon again 2plus to about 4....all these are the effect of medicines! so siok! but tomorrow cant take the medicines le because need to work liao. Last week, my girl's was sick, then my mum, now me....who next? hopefully no more bah....nowadays seeing doctor also become expensive.


Long waited maid!. It has been a month since i applied for a new maid...until now still haven arrive. I dint know that she doesn't have a passport. Her passport was ready only on 1 April, then MOM'a approval was out on 3 April. The agent called me to say that she can arrive in Singapore only on 14 April! How about 7 April that week leh? i asked. Oh they cannot make it for her to arrive on 7 April and they only have 1 arrival date a week! omg! And the maid will be ready for me to pick only on 18 April....

This is the 1st time i went to this agent. Previously i have went to a few different agencies. Why i dint go back to my previous agent was the agent fees is high. Agent fee + insurance + medical = $800 plus, unless my previous agent has got promotion then i will go back. Some agency will have promotion, then their agent fee will 50% discount. I not willing to pay high agent fees because if the maid decided to go back home or they made mistake and we need to send back after 1 year, i will need to pay fresh agent fees again for the next maid.

Just like the last maid, after working for 1 year 2 months she wanted to go back. She dint say the really reason, only until she called from Indo to say that she wanted to taiwan and work then i realised we have been fooled by her! Since she first came she already said that she wanted to go taiwan but she din qualify thats why she came here. All along we thought she has got problem with me or her husband in Indo that she wanted to back! Sigh!!! All these maids cannot be trusted not matter how truthful they are. Just pray hard, really hard for myself!!!This will be the 7th maid in 5 years! I really have no luck with maids all these years, thats why i decided to stop having a maid for awhile when the last one went back last sept. :D

With having 6 maids before, i think u name it i got it for the reasons of changing....stealing, lazy, abuse children, married, single, fat, thin, young, old....all i have a taste of it.....sometimes, i really dont know who is employee and employer in the house!but no choice to bear with it loh...unless i quit my job....sigh!!! living in Singapore is so tough!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008