Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yoga - Child Pose

These yoga "child pose" is good if u need to visit the loo very frequently for normal person. My 2nd daughter used to always want to go to the loo to urine, then we asked her to do these pose, for over a period of 2-3 weeks, then her condition improved, now ok le. That was last year. Now, my 3rd girl also facing the same problem, we also asked her to do these, in a week, her condition shown some improvement. Usually, i will count with them until 50, and increase to 60, so in a way they also learn counting. So wanna share.


Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips.

Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs. Broaden your sacrum across the back of your pelvis and narrow your hip points toward the navel, so that they nestle down onto the inner thighs. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis while you lift the base of your skull away from the back of your neck.

Lay your hands on the floor alongside your torso, palms up, and release the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor. Feel how the weight of the front shoulders pulls the shoulder blades wide across your back.

Balasana is a resting pose. Stay anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Beginners can also use Balasana to get a taste of a deep forward bend, where the torso rests on the thighs. Stay in the pose from 1 to 3 minutes. To come up, first lengthen the front torso, and then with an inhalation lift from the tailbone as it presses down and into the pelvis.

Contraindications/ Cautions*

knee injuries or problems like cartilage/ligament tears* ankle problems* avoid for those with high blood pressure, eye or ear infections* pregnancy* diarrhea


gently stretches lower back, hips, thighs, knees, ankles* relaxes spine, shoulders, neck* increases blood circulation to the head reducing headaches* massages internal organs* calms the mind (central nervous system) and helps relieve stress and tension