Friday, February 15, 2008

Strawberry Enzyme

These about 500g of strawberry, wash, clean and dry.

These are the things u will need, if possible, sun them before u start, if not, just make sure they are completely dry.

can divde them into 3 parts before u start, and remove the stalk and leaves before slicing.

1st layer, strawberry

2nd layer, lemon, skin need to be removed, then slice as thin as u can.

3rd layer, brown rock sugar

Repeat 1st layer again, strawberry

Then, 2nd layer lemon

3rd layer, brown rock sugar

Repeat the steps again, Strawberry


Rock sugar

When everything done, cover with plastic wrap and rubber band to prevent fruit flies and ants.

Strawberry - 500g
Lemon - 2
Rock sugar - about 400g (1 pack).
Note: the amount of rock sugar used, varies according to each taste, if u prefer sweeter, u can add more, after 3-4 days, u may want to open and taste it, to see if the sweetest is acceptable,
if too sour, then u can add more rock sugar;
if too sweet, then buy more strawberry to add.