Friday, March 07, 2014


Today I went to Philip st temple to pray to Tiger God with my SM. First time taking the downtown line to Telok Ayer.

We had lunch there, it was very crowded and we had to "fight" with a man over the seats.  My first time challenging others in the public.  Wahaha.  Since when I am so daring! May be the tiger god. Heehee.

I said I was disappointed.  Disappointed to know they went for Annie Birthday lunch wo asking me. What a let down.

Can see from here. Who is real. Who is fake. Why so political when life is already so short & frustrating.

People just don't understand there are so many political issues around them yet they chose to become one themselves.

However,  I have learnt from mother Teresa, blessed them and they don't appreciate.  Blessed them after all.