Thursday, May 13, 2010

New staff

We have a new staff recently as a few colleagues had left. She is a very or rather over confident person. On the 1st day when she shook hand with me, I felt uncomfortable. Too HARD! And is a SHE.

I do not have much interaction with her as we don't work as a team together. But i am very near her.

We have talks on her recently. Because she trained her son too independent! Her only son, at the age of 5 was left alone to go home himself after the childcare bus drop him at his flat. He had to walk, take lift and open the door himself! OMG! No other adult at home. He will have to wait for her to buy back dinner after her work!. Now the son is 8, he is also left alone at home in the morning after the parents go out to work. He will wake up and go to school himself and take lunch in school.

Some of my colleagues were shocked and commented that she is a crazy one. I personally think she is heartless. She was not working before she joined us. If she can afford to stay at home for 1 years plus, I don see why she cant afford to send her son to before/after school care which is about $300 plus.

At least there are trained caregivers to take care of them and supervise them.

And what make me dun understand, she come to office every earlier in the morning though she start work only at 8.30. and stay back after office hours when she is new with us, there shouldn't be any backlog for her either. Why she just wouldn't want to spend more time with her only son?

If they really so busy, and not willing to take care the kids, why bother to give birth and later may become any stray kid.

I really dun understand! I feel so sad for the son, all day long, there is no one to accompany him, talk with him, and take care of him!