Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health Screening

This post was written in Nov last year.

Last month we had our annual health screen for free, but i opted for the full-body check-up which costed $94, including cancer makers and other organs checks. But the results was somehow shocking me. I opted for this packages mainly to check for cancer since my dad and uncle(mum's brother) died of colon and stomach cancer (more chance of getting cancer than many others). End-up cancer result were negative but the potassium level (5.8mmol/L) was higher than normal (up to 5 mmol/L)! Quickly, the next day I went to see my doctor with the result. He suggested that we do another round blood test on sodium & potassium, as he said many times, this test result always not accurate. Then we will compare the results to see if further action needed!

Lucky the was normal, otherwise, i will be in deep trouble! My doctor told me usually people who do full-body check will encounter this problem, he asked if i have been drink less water? No, as per normal, just that the full-body check-up need to fast at least 8 hours before. So probably this is the reason. So actually, a full body-check up sometime can be very shocking and not accurate!