Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do you believe in Feng Shui?

Recently i have 2 encounters, not sure if they are really fengshui. As i have mentioned last year that my office going to shift up to join the rest of our department. So now more or less the plan is confirmed and target to shift by next month and the floor plan has been finalised too. Well, again when comes to sitting arrangement, ALL of us have our preferrence. But ALL our needs are not able to cater for, so we have to draw lots!

Last week, we already have one round of drawing lots for the worst seats (which are behind the hotlines). During that time, some of the team leaders were not around as they were not back from lunch. But one of the team leader was leaving for an event and cant wait for them to come back. So this colleague and I draw first!. At that time, my zodiac animals ally were in the room. So i was pretty lucky that i did not draw the "worst" seat for my team...heehee.... then when the rest of the leaders came back they went into draw. BY RIGHT, I can be excused since I have already draw, but I still went in and stand behind a colleague whose zodiac is opp me, she instantly draw the "worst" seat! If i have not enter and stand behind her, she probably have different outcome! We all wont know....

The 2nd encounter was today. Because again, no team wish to be sitted in another unwanted location, the rest of the teams have to draw again to see who sit at the next "unwanted location". Again, i was assigned to pick the lots for my team. This time i came more prepared. I have all my lucky charms & sceret friend with me and determine my best facing direction. Then when they all came in, I already in my best location. BUT I did not draw 1st. I let all of them draw and I took the last. I also did not open the result, instead, I see what were their results. And I got what we wanted again. SO do u believe in fengshui!