Sunday, October 26, 2008


I just heard that 1 distant relative was con $10K, bec of "kidnapping" her son! OMG! never thought this will happened near me....Then i asked why she dint call anyone else for help and to call her son immediately to confirm? Well, the kidnapper called her house phone and asked her if she has a handphone? Then instructed her not to use both the phones cos they will contact her ANYTIME! So end up she din have a chance to call for help! BTW, her son is already 20 plus, not small boy. perhaps she has been targeted! She is also not old, only early 50s....(my MIL live few blocks away only). If she call her, she wouldnt be con of her $10K.

So please inform your old folk at home to verify with the actually person, by calling his office/handphone or close colleague/friends, before u decide to what is the next action to take. Most ideal is to call the POLICE!

In Singapore, anyone caught kidnapping will be facing death penalty!