Sunday, July 06, 2008

My recent enzyme

Grapefruit enzyme

Cucumber Enzyme

Grapes Enzyme

Strawberry Enzyme

These are my recent work on enzyme, sometime i made more, sometime less, because the fruit i want to make may not be available or fresh. It has been a year since I started to make enzyme and really must thank Aunty Irene, who is the 1st person to share with me the receipt on enzyme and her blogger i get to know like Eileen, Michelle, mamiwu who also share with us on the enzyme book and many others.

I personally feel that, i have gained from taking enzyme regularly and my daughters too. At least, her long long cough of 1 year plus has stop...and my gastric problem also din return so frequently, properly if i m careless, would be 6 month once.

I really feel that this blogging is really one of the greatest invention (if people dont abuse it). In the past, we get to know information only from newspaper, TV, books, very limited source and could be outdated. But now not only we can get 1st hand information, we get to learn many things and experiences.

Recently, I went to read abt "wearewonderwomen", is about cancer patient (Molly) passed away in May and her experiences b4 death and many other cancer patients' blog also. If there is no blog, we will not know what they actually went thru the whole process ( unless we have close friends or relative encountered), is really sad... Some of their ideas of having a blog is to leave a memory for their love ones after they leave, which is very different from us of creating a blog.