Thursday, May 15, 2008

Terrible week

I have not been working since Tuesday and have been visiting doctors since Tuesday and still going tomorrow morning.

My no 2 fall sick on Sunday, her temperature shot up to 40.d. But my regular doctors are closed and need to see the expensive doctor. The doctor gave her 3 days MC and asked to see him if she dont get well by Wednesday.

Monday, i need to go office so she was resting at my mum's place. And also need to collect the maid's passport and work permit and inform the agent that she refused to see dentist when she has terrible toothache since last Friday. I was quite mad at her on Monday morning when she asked if she can have more painkillers. I wanted to bring her to dentist on Sunday she refused and my girl is now v sick, i still need to worry about her, so was rather piss off. And asked the agent to call her. - My girl's temperature still high and vomited

Tuesday, I was not working, after settle my girl, i brought the maid to the dentist....very expensive tooth extraction....the dentist said because her tooth was too decayed and easily cracked, so her bill could be about $ what a expensive tooth! finally, the bill was only $130, lucky the tooth din break into pieces....My girl still no good, temp still running high and still vomit.

Wednesday, rainy, girl running high temperature and vomit the fever medicine, thinking of going to KK A&E, however in the morning the temperature return to normal and she slept for half an hour, we had lunch at 11.45, then she temp start to climb until afternoon i give her the medicine and she still throw out and then the temp is already 40.d, took a cab because it was raining and still kena jam about at CTE, aiyo....then the nurse at the registration took down her details and give the pink fever medicine and asked me to go to the RED DOOR and shower her! SHOWER! omg that is the worst fear of having children taking cold shower in the hospital. Lucky there was no communication between the counter nurse and the nurse in the red door. SO if they din ask me i keep quite....and seriously, the nurse only took her blood test and wait for 45 mins for the results.

Finally, we get to see the doctor before the result was out. He is very funny, i said i left the her medicine outside, and asked me to go get while he talk to my girl. When i returned, he commented, "why she fever until she lost her voice"...i was like huh! then i realised was that my girl din reply his questions!.....hahahaha what a joke! then he order medicine to be insert to stop her vomiting and wait for an hour then start wi water 15ml every 15 mins. Then in between we get to see doc after the result was out, everything was ok except abit low blood. Finally after so many round of waiting, and taking the fluid and seeing, the doctor asked wanna go home? of course....since no more vomiting and the fever has gone down abit but not normal yet....there we left....

In the night, the old people asked, could it be "毛丹", since it is high fever and we tested using a hot hard boiled egg. But this is the first time we are doing the "experiment", dont know what to expect to see....after rubbing the hot hard egg on her body, we opened the egg, and saw the egg yoke surfaced not smooth texture but like 一粒一粒 on the outer side of the egg need to see Chinese doctor.....

Thursday morning, see Chinese so many ppl all are old people....after an hour of waiting we get to see the 毛丹= 湿热.....and the doctor only give 1 day Chinese medicine and go back n see him again tomorrow, the cost $44 WOW!

This is worst then working in the if i m working i dont travel here and travel there, and rushing and rushing.....and at night also terrible, need to monitor her temperature hourly. Many nights her temperature was high like 39.6-40. then must wake her up to take medicine, and the medicine need at least 1 hour to see the result. While waiting, we were sponging her....lucky thing was she din really make a fuss.......haiz!!!!!!!and she also seldom fall sick. The last time was like 9 months back....

Terrible when the child fall sick, everyone suffered, sleepless night and very costly. This fever i think it costly abt $200....