Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hamster Escape!

In march holiday, we bought the 2nd hamster, hoping to put them together, but cannot, the moment the new hamster enter the big cage, it was attacked. SO we put them in different cage. Though they are the same "Winter White", they are very different!. We name them Harry & Potter. Since they both male......

The 1st hamster (Harry)dont drink much water, and ok to sunflower seeds as food. But the new hamster (Potter) drinks alot and prefer mix-food. When we put them in the ball for them to move around the house, only Harry gets the chance, because potter always urine....and wet around.

Few weeks ago, Harry escaped from its cage twice in a morning. Thats was a Sunday. And MIA for a few hours until we found him behind a bookshelf with a roach! and nothing happened between the 2. We have since tightened the security for harry....

Today, again a Sunday, Potter escaped from its cage until now it still MIA. Now is already afternoon....still no sight of it.....I leave open it cage for food and it water bottle facing out, in case he is hungry and thirsty!