Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Yesterday, my girl ear pain was back, in the morning, the teacher called us to pick her back from school, bec she was not her usual self. Not speaking, not playing & sad. When my mum reached her school, she was sleeping in her teacher's arm...

Then at home, she was crying the whole day over the pain, cannot drink her milk, cannot sleep, cannot eat. And yesterday was pouring almost the whole day, so we wait till evening when i came back from work, we brought her back to KKH, although her ear appt is oni next monday...

On the way, she keep asking me where are we going, which doctor? But I dare not mention KKH, bec she is so scare, just say oh we going kampong Java...there the doctor...and keep asking where n where and say she wan to see oni the NTUC doctor....

Reached there, she knew... so we have to divert her attention, lucky the nurse at the 1st check play with her and handled her quite skillful... then we were directed to the red door instead of waiting for q no....

The doctor came, she resisted as expected, but this time the doctor is much more skillful & fast in handling her although she used her full strength to resist... but daddy & mummy holding her down while the doctor examine her.

Then doctor see and said that her ear drum burst, as he could see the pus, thats why so painful. So he get the nurse to give her a higher dosage brufen... and keep her there to monitor, if after 2-3 hrs she is better then can go home...he also say, go buy her favourite cold drink & let her have it or ice...

While waiting, she drink milk & coke but she keep saying :"我要回家,我要回家"then she said again "我要回家",repeat all the way from 8 pm to 11pm...poor girl...

Finally the doctor see her again, how? better? Ya slightly better can drink a pack of milk & half can of coke...if give her injection, then she must stay in, but we said she wanna go ok, the doctor let her go but the pain is too much to bear bring her back within 24 hours and we dont need to pay again the $75...And give her 3 days MC... till Friday...And keep the Monday appt to see the ear specialist.

In the car, she immediately fall asleep, she probably afraid that she cannot go home or someone will see her ear again and dare not sleep in the hospital...but keep saying loudly :"我要睡觉,我很累,快点回家"

This morning she is better can walk around, watch TV, play & smile...