Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Organic stuff

I always think that organic stuff is good for health, at least i believe. But just the price is too expensive to consume everyday. Can u believe a bottle of the fruits enzyme sold in organic shop cost $99 for 720ml. And based on the information by the boss, each day they must consume 15ml to 20ml. That is about 30 plus days per person and i were to mutiply by 3 children, hahaha ....$300 per month!

Enzyme can be consume even u are healthy, but especially good for people with prolong illness & is very important to cancer patients.

I will have the result for the enzyme this sat when it is finally 2 weeks, and is not expensive, probably that bottle i made cost less than $10. The most important thing when making enzyme, everything must be dry, total dryness!