Monday, April 24, 2017

Aging & Old age

Recently I met up with my girlfriends and we talked about mainly family, families. Let me talk about aging.

We all are aging, everyday, every one aged. Then, when we reached this age, we have more, i.e. sickness, illness. 2 of my girl friends' families members have gotten cancer. The killer. One is a father-in-law (fil), another one is a sister-in-law (sil). The fil case we knew of it long ago, just it has deteriorated. And the sil case is a new and sudden. Fil, is just prolonging his life, while the sil just started a very fierce treatment, Radiation Therapy, 33 cycles at one go. 

How a person can withstand the 33 cycles treatment! But the way, she is younger than me I assumed, just gave birth to a second son few months ago. Wish her all the best and fast recovery! Stay happy and let go everyone!

Any better ways to avoid? 


Old age, meaning our old folks at home. I think I am lucky with one surviving parent, not that I am happy about it. Seeing how the old folks at home don't talk with each other, go to the hospital A&E alone, find fault with each other, having one less is easier I supposed. 

My parents married not on dating but match-make. And I seldom have peace when I was young. One of my girlfriend told us her father admitted to the hospital in the mid of the night by himself. And it was when the hospital called my friend up then she/they know that he was in the hospital. Suspected mild heart attack. She still has a pair of parents living together but not talking to each other. 

Then we have cases of impossible sibling/children, where they are unfilial, and then returned when they are broke and fallen. When they were gracious and rich, they ignore their family and parents. This angered many of the sibling who are taking care of the parents.The parents being biased and favour, hurts even more to the children taking care of them. And many more different type of stories. 

How can one avoid all this? 
Parents must be fair.
All the children must guided properly to correct moral with good education.

What's your take?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Rental is the killer.

I forgot I need to write a blog today, that why it is now then I get to post my blog!

Today I shall write about rental. I believe rental or the landlord is the killer for most retails, F & B, and whatever it is around the world. Recently, I saw a banner hanged on the hoarding of a construction site, near finishing stage, was stated to complete by 31 March 2017. But it is still finishing its work. It is a hub. 

I have an idea, to open a franchise for a bakery shop, space needed between 200 to 500 sqft. The net profit is about 45% according to the website, but after consulting a friend who is in this franchise say the net profit is about 35% of the gross sale, and still need to less off the overheads and I only have half the capital needed to start the franchise, therefore I need some investment from others. 

We call up the lease management company and was told that there is an 2nd round tender for the space. And we receive the notification and ask if we would like to tender. We wrote back to say we are interested and they forwarded us the tender information. Oh well.

They gave us the estimate guide rent per month plus the services and conservancy fees plus central aircon fee (TBA) and government tax. Even if I were to tender for say $3000 per month for rent, and say I was awarded, the total amount I need to pay to the landlord is around $4500-$4800, for a space of 300 plus sqft. The guided rent is more than double the amount I wish to tender.

After much calculation, we decided we will not proceed with the tendering. The net profit from Gross sale is about 35%, and we still have to pay rent and salary, how much is left? However, I personally feel that the risk can try, if all the capital is my own money, I lose it I can start all over again, but if I own other people money, I will take longer to start all over again.

Although I know property is one of the best profit, but I just can't help to think from the point of consumers and tenants. Even they know that retails are going down hill, they still want to command high rent, and occupation rate is low, will it be one day, there is no more shopping malls, or the shopping malls have got no shop that is occupied. 

How to do business and be our own boss?

Sunday, April 09, 2017


I have been practising prosperity for weeks, and sometimes it is effective sometimes it is not. I do know that we should always focus on positive, but sometimes the negativity will just appear. I guess I have to keep practising and pushing away the negative.

Over the week, more positive than negative appear to me. I was treated lunch by my immediate supervisor because she just has her promotion. Another colleague bought me my favorite Soju because I gave her some "information" on numerology and she was amazed how accurate. Then I sold my pair of used Everbest Shoes after quite a long time. At least it helps me to save space for other shoes and earn back some money. And finally, my hubby's aunty gave us a treat (dinner) because she strike lottery. So nice of them, and I am really grateful.

Thank you.

I am practising prosperity for me to buy back my own time instead of selling my time to company. I also wish to bring much more comfortable life for my family, with bigger / prettier house and travelling without limits.

These are the affirmation for the day:
I spend money wisely;
I have more than enough;
I am receiving more money today;
I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect;
Everyday in every way, my wealth is increasing;
I welcome abundance and I share in abundance and all the riches of the planet with everyone I meet;
I am attracting more and more money everyday;
I am a wealth creator;
I am becoming more abundant by the day;
The Universe conspires to give me everything I need;
Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily;
I am using the money to bless my life and other people's lives;
I deserve all good things;
I love money and money love me;
I am grateful for my ever-increasing wealth and prosperity;
I am becoming richer by the second;
I am a money magnet;
I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined;
I create wealth and prosperity with case;
I thank Universe for all the prosperity that is mine today.

So what is your desire?


Monday, April 03, 2017

Changing my routine

Today, I start a new routine. For the past 2 years plus I have been arriving at the office 1 hour ahead of my official start work time, hitching a free ride from hubby. This morning I took a bus and a train and I was 30 minutes late. I could have just taken a train straight from my home but because the morning peak hour, the crowd is horrifying, so I try out a different route by taking a bus and half way switch to train. It was less crowded. Just the express bus timing was delayed and went to take a normal bus instead. If the bus came on time, I supposed I would not be so late.

I will do it again tomorrow., since I could avoid the heavy crowd at the train station. With such, I get to sleep a little more of about 40 minutes. And the time passes in office seems faster. I also get to see my Becky before I leave the house as he now is awake. Previously, when we leave the house, he was still in daze from waking up. I also get to prepare more food for him.

We must learn to see and observe other method of doing our routine. This idea of switching transport modes came from my daughters. One day when they go to school themselves, I texted them to ask about their timing and the bus they take. It din came to my mind that they could take an Express bus that happened to operate during that peak period and stop by their school bus stop. It was a pretty fast journey. It then ring a bell on my mind that I could do the same, as there is a train station there too. They indeed the smarter ones. 

Good try.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Annual Promotion

Will start out to write "Newsletter" weekly, hope I am not writing irrelevant stuff.

Will start off with the common topic on annual promotion. March is the month across most government agency, will exercise their annual promotion announcement. Though my company is not a government agency, we practice this exercise this month as well.

By 31 March, this day every year, there are always people with happy mood, sad mood and angry mood.

Happy mood needless to say, they are promoted.
Sad mood also needless to say, they are not promoted.
The last group, angry mood. These group of people are usually not promoted and angry at those people promoted. Why? It is because their contributions are not being recognised, while those promoted, did not or contribute much lesser, yet they are given the recognition and promotion.

This year we have a good example. One executive who was assigned more work and work hard in the past year, was not promoted. While the other executive, had taken many leaves, absent and had nothing much to do during the same period, was promoted. So one of them I assumed is angry, while the other one is elated.

My own scenario in the past, the manager took 2 months of Hospitalisation leave and refused to come back to hand over the work, was promoted. I was also the manager, had to cover her work in her absence, have higher output than the manager was not only not promoted but also had a drop in grade. How unfair! Angry mood, till now.

In my 20 years working life, this is common. Is there a way to end such unjustified treatment? Until now, I don't think there is. Because, there are management who like people to carry favour. There are also management who go by the book. When these 2 types are in the same company such conflict will sure surfaced.

The best way to get out of this cycle, is to buy back our time instead of selling them to company and get such treatment.

Congratulation to those promoted!
For those not promoted, we all know you have work and work hard!