Sunday, March 29, 2015

My respect and thank you to you, Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I made it, to pay my last respect and gratitude to Mr Lee, the last day for the public to pay respect to him at the Parliament House. The actual plan was to go at 1am Saturday morning. However, there was news that the queue at Padang was suspended until further notice. We went back to bed.

Then we decided we will just attend the state funeral on Sunday. However, I still feel regret not having to pay him the last respect personally. Therefore, after lunch, I told my family I am going to queue now, 1.15pm. My 2 younger have piano lesson could not come with me. It is just too regretful and heart pain not attending.

I reached cityhall at about 2pm. Along the way, there were numerous helpful volunteers, staff, Army officers and many more. They were there to guide, encourage and provide us with food, water, umbrellas, raincoats, sweets, tissue paper, fanning the hot crowd and even staff pick up the rubbish on the street. We are Singaporean doing for each and everyone of us for one man, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

I finally reached the Parliament House around 6pm. Say my final Thank you to you. I will not have regret for this. What you have done for us most of your life, this is nothing comparable to you.

Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Too sad to pen.

I thought I wanted to pen some word on Tuesday, but was too upset and worry I could not control my emotion. It is just to sad and pain to write espeically the son has to announce on TV to the country on his father's passing. It it just too hard to take.
Although I have not seen him in person before, but his passing is just like a close relative passing, because I know him all my life. This week is a national mourning period, where the TV channels are screening everything about him and really nothing else much. The radio channels are not playing fast music and other active programmes. All programmes came to a halt, including events that are free such as free instrumental musics at concert halls.
From Wednesday, the public could start paying their last respect to Mr Lee at the Parliment house after the coffin moved from Istana to Parliment house on Wednesday. The queue to pay the respect lasted as long as 8 hours and this prompted the Governement to make it 24 hours round the clock to allow the public to pay the respect.
On the 1st night after midnight, some queued only as short as 2 hours. So we are planning to pay our last respect to Mr Lee on Saturday early morning about 4am.
There is also campaign going on for all Singaporean to wear black top on Sunday, the funeral day. And another petition to rename Changi Airport to LKY Airport. However, there was not group urged not to wear black top on Sunday, instead wear white or plain colour, it is making me confused.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Another Loss of the Country & People

Today, we marked another great losses. The passing on of our 1st PM. Hope he RIP.

Monday, March 16, 2015


This afternoon, saw a post on FB of a friend passing on. Yesterday, was a post of CEO's mother passing on. Both died peacefully in their sleep. One is very old of 92, one is 42.  May they both rest in peace. 


Today is 观音开库日(正月二十六), went early to Guan yin temple to offer prayer to bless everyone at home.
This day is also to "borrow" from Guan yin the weath and return next year. However, this year I went to a different temple where it is not so commericalised, I have to ask before I could "borrow", that is to throw the 圣杯 to see if I am allowed to borrow. This is not done at bugis Guan yin Temple because of the huge crowd. And also I can borrow from 财神爷as well, again this is not done in Bugis temple.

So happy. And I was told to come again on Guanyin BD, 7 April.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

New blog for sharing

This is another blog for sharing:

Support support!

Friday, March 13, 2015


I love them all.

I love travelling, they are relaxing, peaceful & enjoyable.
I love doing nefful business, they give me satisfying and meaningful happiness.
I love big house, it allows me to do my favourite freely.
I love car, it allows me to move about freely and faster.
I love money, it allows me to buy whatever I want.
I love talking to strangers, it allows me to interact more and close more business deals.

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cough Cough Cough

Big girl has been coughing since we were back from Korea. Seen doctor twice. Drank radish enzyme this time also don;t help. Double boil pomelo skin also did not work. I googled. Found this recipe, seems ok. There are some diagnosis of the coughing types. The chronic cough due to lung deficiency seems to match her. A cough with a loud barking sound - Yin deficiency of the lungs and kidneys, and the throat is attacked by toxic fire.

So this is one of the recipe:
1) Schisandra (Wu wei zhi) 4g,
2) Ginseng (seems to be red) 4g, [I have some left over korean red ginseng, so i used them]
3) Perilla stem (Su-geng) 3g.
Clean & crush then infused in hot water for 15 mins, drink warm and repeat 2-3 times.

Since last night till late morning, there was little cough. Will continue tonight.

Thank you.

Monday, March 09, 2015


My Affirmation from yesterday.

I love travelling, they are relaxing, peaceful & enjoyable.
I love doing nefful business, they give me satisfying and meaningful happiness.
I love big house, it allows me to do my favourite freely.
I love car, it allows me to move about freely and faster.
I love money, it allows me to buy whatever I want.
I love talking to strangers, it allows me to interact more and close more business deals.

Thank you.

Friday, March 06, 2015

Tiger god birthday.

Today is Tiger God's Birthday, zheng yue shi liu. I took pm leave yesterday thinking to pray to Tiger god yesterday, but not all temples offer prayer yesterday. So I have to go today, in the morning before going to work.
I arrived at the temple around 7.20am. There were nuns and the helpers setting up busy preparing. I was probably the 1st "customer", the abbot say, wow so early in Chinese. hahahahaha.
Then the helper help me with the necessary, like writing my name, burn holes on the paper on the faces and eyes of the images, wow, my 1st time doing such, because previously at the other temple, this was not done. Something different. And the helper also spoke to me in some English. Happy.
This was totally different encounter. No one will stand there to recite anything for you. I have to burn holes on the paper, and light the candles and incense and pray then put the egg and tau kua in front of the Tiger, then can burn the joss paper, finally, throw the pack of beans around the tiger.
Wow wow wow.
Before I left, the helper inform me the Guan Yin Kai Ku day on lunar calendar 1st month 26, and ask me to come.
I am so happy to experienced this something special and be the 1st!

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Time to start writing.

I have been away for so long and so many things happened in between.

First of all, I have travelled to 2 countries in the past 3 months and be travelling again next month. So glad. I went Korea with my family in December and Hong Kong in January with my eldest daughter. We had so much fun and enjoyed the cold weather.
Next month I will be tavelling again to Korea, this time with my long time girlfriends from Sogo more than 20years ago. 1st time ever we are travelling together to such a lovely country. Looking forward.
And most importantly, I am writing this, I have achieved 1st Class Honours in my Bachelor studies. Yeah Yeah Yeah!
And one not very appealling news, my department will moved and "parked" under HR. mmm challenging.
Whatever it is, if have to go have to go.