Friday, October 31, 2014

Officially freed from studies

I can say I am now officially freed from studies. Yesterday was the due date for the last assignment. And it was really a day to remember for long time. It was my gal's BD and hubby car got crashed by a BWM flew over the rd curb into his site and smashed into his stationary car and hit some bushes before stopping. The car was driven by an old lady of age 70. OMG! How eventful to mark this date, 30 Oct 2014. Hahahahaha.

He was given a Honda Civil as replacement during these period when the car is in the workshop. His dream car. But I do not like Honda car. I find them too low. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have changed my blog's background again. A change is needed. Especially at this point of time. Maybe my blog name need a change as well. Let me ponder abit. I have difficulties accessing another blogging platform using my home laptop, guess I have to give up that account.

Abit of pondering needed for:

What's next for me? plan, future, roadmap, target?
What's my new name for the blog?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Difficult to access

Difficult to access to using my this laptop at home. Maybe I should just stick to instead. hahahaha.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Finally submitted.

After these few months of struggling with FYP, today we have finally submitted.  The hard work is over! YEAH! And I m left with 2 more submission due in one week.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me. A time that has become scary. I am starting to get cold feets. I am steping into the next phrase of life. That times can real fly faster. I must live my life to the fullest.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Just do whatever is assigned.

Dont bother to ask since it is a useless leader. No point wasting my energy and effort to ask the sickening. After all, if not happy can just find another job and go! Yeah!

This is the place for me BLAST!