Sunday, March 30, 2014


Went to my school to collect the textbook ordered for me earlier.  Then went to Jem. Eat shop walk. No gain. Then tiong bahru to collect my stock for Janie's sil. Realised the lavender shawl is now out of stock. No panick no worries.  Cos I don't really need it. Bought 4D $50 big $50 small. To win $250k when open 1st prize. Did not come true today.
Today is aso the earth day.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Another Day

Another day has passed just like that.  I don't talk to you, you don't talk to me. Terrible. 

We went on a cruiser ride today. Boss not around to book the ride for us. I called the in charge yesterday,  the newly promoted SM. He said come tomorrow at 2pm. Here we went at 2pm with many others still. They new fleet of crusiers that can ferry 22 people instead of current 10-12.

It was interesting. I should get my children on the cruiser for the experience.

Report, textbook

Writing my assignment report is so difficult. First time I am feeling tough. And popular called me to inform me the textbook has arrived! The textbook I have been looking for up and down. Yeah!

And we talk our about exec. I did not know she so doesn't like her so so so much. I also realized she has been proud and fake. Really fake. Boss not around and she comes late. Boss is around she will come on time. Fake right? 

Seriously, I have no ideas why people can behave like that? When we actually spent more time together than with other people during our waking time during the weekdays. To be fake and secretive.  Our life is so short to have all the negative impact. Or perhaps, she has not encountered the worst of life. 

Human is really scary creatures. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Today those will be promoted received their letter and till now I m aware of 2. Selene told me she promoted by grade. And ms "chung" will also be promoted. I should feel happy for her. But what she has done to get promoted?  That's the question.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy news.

Most talk about thing this month, the PB. Boss be away for the next couple of weeks so will not be in for the delivering of our PB letter. He told us now before he leaves. I'll be giving a B. Thats 2.6 plus 0.5 of the newly announced additional!  Wow he really gave me the max. Thank you boss!.

Seriously I have never been given so much. Have calculating how much am I expecting.
And today the lecture ends early. Earliest for this year so far.

Friday, March 21, 2014

On leave

I am on leave today because husband has took leave to service his camera. 

We went to bugis while he goes to service his camera at Raffles Place.  I wanted to go bugis plus uniqlo to buy the long wind breaker. But I find costly for $59.90. So shall wait a while for discount. Instead I bought a bra & long pant for gloria & a dress for Victoria. 

Satisfied we went to meet husband for lunch at bugis just to realised the food court is closed for renovation. Sad. I missed the salmon miso soup with rice.

Instead we had 过桥面线 for lunch. Not so nice because it was either too salty or not tasty. 

Then I went to tiong bahru to help annie submit her member's passport copy just to realised someone has actually emailed but company did not receive the form so cannot process. Felt cheated. Why never information me if u hv asked someone else to send? And I have to make a trip down purposely for her.
Instead I have gained something.  I bought a polorial camera at $19. Because the challenger was selling at $79 and I 5000 points that worth $60. So can used to offset the bill! How nice!

Thats the happiest thing for the moment.  Hahaha.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Very demoralised

This month we are to receive our performance bonus & the additional bonus. Today, our Hr head sent us email saying the this month salary & bonus payout will be delay 3 days. Moving forward to in line with market practice,  our performance bonus n additional bonus if available will be paid in May or June from next year after the financial year.

Pay day is just next week but we have not received our performance grade. 

Why our performance bonus has to be paid after financial year when performance appraisal is done for calendar year?

What performance bonus has to do with financial figures? 
Are we a private company? 
All are bullish!  
Just incompetent & ________.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

New maid

Confirmed n paid deposit for the new maid from west java. A 32 year old. Please give me your blessings. I would appreciate it. Hope she can arrive and fetch her on 10 or 11 April.  Have a good day ahead!

Having mini NPCC gathering last night

Enjoyed my night with my ex-buddies of NPCC. zhiming has really brighten the night. Thank you for having the dinner at parco bugis swensen.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Was sick on Tuesday.  And back to work yesterday.  Really Cough until my rib bones are very pain. Omg. Better by today.

Busy writing my report for Leadership, due this Sunday!

Oh is my friend bd today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVELYN!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Over due post for yesterday

This is an overdue post for yesterday.

I went to the doctor last night for the terrible cough I am having.

Took the medicine and drifted into sleeping state.

During the day:

Boss jio us us for lunch treat for AL. Somehow, I think my boss can feel my thoughts, or he really is wanting to treat her. When he asked my exec to ask me, I was kind of delighted.

In any case, Thank you boss for treating us.

I finally brought back the scale. mmm quite interesting. but some how they all cannot meet the bone standard. Or it is not accurate. Not sure. Just for the fun of it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Am sick today.

I felt sick today. Waking up with body aching. Took a nap at noon then took some left over medicine. Better later but still having bad cough with phelm. 

It is expensive to see doctor on Sunday. Better wait till tml.

As getting better,  then rush to finish my assignment report. 1 more week to submission.

Bless me.

Good night and pray for the missing plane.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Airplane missing

First thing in the morning was Malaysia airline plane has gone missing.  Mmmm. No thoughts.  Just another accident I supposed.  Proceed to our as planned karaoke.

Sang quite a few song. Happy. But not enough for the 5 of us in 3 hrs. Then evening susposed to dropby office to take the weighing scale I bought earlier forgotten to bring back on Friday. However I forgot about my pass and drop the ideas of going back.

Went searching for air purifier cum ioniser instead.  BEST has the model I wanted at vivo. Tang has sales less 10% but the model they don't have.  End up we dint buy. We proceed to parisilk. They also don't have the model I wanted. Novita NAI 9000.

More news on missing air plane. Still not found. Bad services provided.  Next of kin was not informed until hours later when plane did not land as scheduled.

Terrible.  No taking plane from this airline. Though all planes carry the same risk. But the service.  Think for yourself in the shoe of the families of the victims.

Let's pray for the best.

Saturday, March 08, 2014


We had lunch with Wendy.  She proposed to join us as she need a breather from her lunch mates.....

The haze was rather bad in the evening.  We wore masks on our way to the mall.

The reading of the haze remains at good at 5 & went up to moderate pass 6pm. And up to 71 @ 8pm on a 3 hourly reading.  We will not get the actual reading as I believe they would not want us to know the truth, only putting us at risk.

Then I resume with my assignment 3 for leadership at 9 till 11 plus. Still outstanding.

Good night & Happy birthday to those born on 三八妇女节!

Friday, March 07, 2014


Today I went to Philip st temple to pray to Tiger God with my SM. First time taking the downtown line to Telok Ayer.

We had lunch there, it was very crowded and we had to "fight" with a man over the seats.  My first time challenging others in the public.  Wahaha.  Since when I am so daring! May be the tiger god. Heehee.

I said I was disappointed.  Disappointed to know they went for Annie Birthday lunch wo asking me. What a let down.

Can see from here. Who is real. Who is fake. Why so political when life is already so short & frustrating.

People just don't understand there are so many political issues around them yet they chose to become one themselves.

However,  I have learnt from mother Teresa, blessed them and they don't appreciate.  Blessed them after all.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Keeping a Journal

Read about keeping a Journal has great benefits.  I have been writing but not very consistent. I should from now on keep a daily Journal of myself!

Good or bad. I decide. 
Open or close. I decide.
This is my Journal.  I decide.

Jokes of the day.

1st joke
S went to speak with A and sat down at the workstation on my left. Both of them were sick,  lost of voice.
S said to A: "your voice so sexy, but I didn't kiss you leh".
Within minutes
2nd joke
G & D sat on my right
G asked D if D has his worker's number.
D replied :"hand phone number? "
G say :" then, house number? "
My fantastic colleagues!