Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My DH is going back tmr!

My DH is going back tomorrow. After days of waiting, finally is confirmed today after the agent call me to collect her passport & embassy endorsement. At 1st i thought why embassy endorsement is required when they just going for home leave! If i dont do the endorsement for her at her passport, she will have to pay exit tax when she want to come back here. That is  S$190. WOW! siow! How come they imposed such tax when their people already so poor and no jobs! Whats the logic! They work overseas and bring back money to their country and yet their gov still want to impose such harsh ruling! How to improve like tat!
So after tomorrow i will be buzy again!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health Screening

This post was written in Nov last year.

Last month we had our annual health screen for free, but i opted for the full-body check-up which costed $94, including cancer makers and other organs checks. But the results was somehow shocking me. I opted for this packages mainly to check for cancer since my dad and uncle(mum's brother) died of colon and stomach cancer (more chance of getting cancer than many others). End-up cancer result were negative but the potassium level (5.8mmol/L) was higher than normal (up to 5 mmol/L)! Quickly, the next day I went to see my doctor with the result. He suggested that we do another round blood test on sodium & potassium, as he said many times, this test result always not accurate. Then we will compare the results to see if further action needed!

Lucky the was normal, otherwise, i will be in deep trouble! My doctor told me usually people who do full-body check will encounter this problem, he asked if i have been drink less water? No, as per normal, just that the full-body check-up need to fast at least 8 hours before. So probably this is the reason. So actually, a full body-check up sometime can be very shocking and not accurate! 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Last Evacuation Drill ...

This is interesting, received from email yesterday......

In a large multinational company..............
A fire alarm rang at 4 PM in a large office when almost all employees
were in office (approx 5000). As usual the entire office was evacuated
within 3mins & all employees gathered outside the office in the designated area
waiting for further announcement.

The Security Officer in charge made the following announcement: "Dear
employees - with sincere regret I have been asked to announce that for
many of you it will be your last evacuation drill. Due to the recession
the company is laying off almost 50% of its employees. So when this
announcement finishes, I ask all of you to move back into the building
and if your swipe card does not work then it means you have been laid
off in which case you will not be allowed inside and all your belongings
will be couriered to you by tomorrow.

The Company has used this innovative approach as we didn't want to fill
up the email box with lay-off mails and good bye mails in thousands &
also to avoid any fight inside the office and the consequent security
issue for all staff.

Hope you have had a rewarding career with us and all the best ahead.
Please move back in & try your luck".

Friday, February 20, 2009

Injustice has been made to many of us!

will decide if i wanna blog about it later. Still cannot stomach this injustice!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Actually i wanted to write about office but when i got home and passed my DH her registered mail, I think hers much more a BAD DAY than mine. Today I went to collect her registered mail and passed to her when i reach home. But she din open and keep, I asked her to open & read instead, cos usually  a registered mail is either VERY GOOD or VERY BAD. Indeed, she cried while reading. Her daughter was hopsitalised. Then i ask her to stop crying and control her emotion then call her sister in Jakata and find out how now. She called but her mother just say her daughter hair all dropped and keep calling for her. I only know she has kidney problem but not cancer.  i also not too sure what illness she actually suffering. So she probably going home this few days once I go to agent tomorrow to check-out the details.....hazi.....just asked her abt the conversation with her mum. The hospital said they cant do anything anymore ask her to go home....but the mum just refused to say more.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a Primary 1 can do?

My number 2 is in Primary 1 this year, but she has done quite a few things beyond our imagaination! Just talk about today. This evening, immediately after she reached home, she ask her elder sister about the things she asked her elder sister to buy for her from school bookshop! I was shocked!. The elder told me that she gave her $3 yesterday to ask her to buy a blankco and a marker from school bookshop! OMG! she went to take her money from her piggy bank, cos there were notes in there. So now of course i have to "confiscate" the notes from her piggy bank lah! if not, before end of the year she would have spent all her little savings for all the unnecessary from school bookshop! Aiyo, why the kids now sooooo smart in this! Is really beyond my imagination lah, cos the elder wouldnt do such things in lower primary!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yoga lessons!

Yeah Yeah Yeah! my yoga lesson gonna begin tomorrow after we stop for about 1.5 years....Actually, the lessons are going on going the CC but must register after every 8 sessions. That time we stop because my youngest was down with very serious ear infection and my DH wanna go home. So we stop loh....now we take the lessons again because he is having sleepless nights... Anyway, i will be buzzzzzzy the next couple of weeks, so blogging will be less frequent... do come back & read...or pop over to my enzyme blog...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do you believe in Feng Shui?

Recently i have 2 encounters, not sure if they are really fengshui. As i have mentioned last year that my office going to shift up to join the rest of our department. So now more or less the plan is confirmed and target to shift by next month and the floor plan has been finalised too. Well, again when comes to sitting arrangement, ALL of us have our preferrence. But ALL our needs are not able to cater for, so we have to draw lots!

Last week, we already have one round of drawing lots for the worst seats (which are behind the hotlines). During that time, some of the team leaders were not around as they were not back from lunch. But one of the team leader was leaving for an event and cant wait for them to come back. So this colleague and I draw first!. At that time, my zodiac animals ally were in the room. So i was pretty lucky that i did not draw the "worst" seat for my team...heehee.... then when the rest of the leaders came back they went into draw. BY RIGHT, I can be excused since I have already draw, but I still went in and stand behind a colleague whose zodiac is opp me, she instantly draw the "worst" seat! If i have not enter and stand behind her, she probably have different outcome! We all wont know....

The 2nd encounter was today. Because again, no team wish to be sitted in another unwanted location, the rest of the teams have to draw again to see who sit at the next "unwanted location". Again, i was assigned to pick the lots for my team. This time i came more prepared. I have all my lucky charms & sceret friend with me and determine my best facing direction. Then when they all came in, I already in my best location. BUT I did not draw 1st. I let all of them draw and I took the last. I also did not open the result, instead, I see what were their results. And I got what we wanted again. SO do u believe in fengshui! 

Sunday, February 08, 2009

CNY ending soon!

so chinese new year is coming to end tomorrow and children must buck-up & study hard for their CA1 in few weeks time and there we go for the 1st break of the year!YEAH!!! but is not me lah...sigh!!!dont know where to go, sunway lagoon or malacca!!! or stay at home!!! I hope we can finish our project by the end Feb deadline :( so sacry! Then I will be free!!!!! YEAH!!!! I dont want to do anymore of these projects!!!!sooooooooo stressful!Prefer to do my normal operations!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Shopping Day!

Today is a shopping day, which i put on my blog yesterday, that was advise by bryan laoshi. Have u bought your present today? I have bought mine today....this lunch wallet from wallet shop :)


Went to garden yesterday & got this for $22....abit regret because after i brought this we went to another farm...aiyo they have more nicer ones :(

Sunday, February 01, 2009

My 风信子

Shopping Day (2nd Feb)

According to Bryan Laoshi:

"2nd Feb --- : Must spend money, buy an item for yourself. As long as you spend some money, any amount is fine. Food is not counted ya :D This item will be very auspicious for you throughout your life. (Optional: Its also a day to buy Mala, Crystal or Dzi.)"


Today is 初七人日,祝大家