Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ways to keep away liazrd???

Anyone has got any effective ways to keep away those irritating lizard from our flats? I have asked around & look around & found 2 possible solutions:-

  1. A friend say use eggs shell, use the egg shell to fry a while till got a little burnt smell then place them in socking & hang up.
  2. From internet, it says, use peacock feathers, stick them on the wall.

I m now using item 1 as i cant find any peacock feathers, must go to little India then can chance to go...someday if the 1st one cannot work.

Do u have any other way that is effective? Care to share with me?( 我以经被烦死了)

Oh ya, remember the last time i made the grapefruit enzyme and colour turn out to be different from other previous batch, it taste very nice and v strong grapefruit in it, sweet also. I really enjoy it very much, it is really unlike all the previous batches of grapefruit i made. Dont know why also leh, perhaps it was sweeter than sour as fruit itself. The taste is like gassy fruit juice....hahaha

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Dear friends,

I have re-labelled most of the topics, so easier to find for particular post. Hope u will like it!


Enyzme : Grapes

I just harvest the grapes enzyme, but haven taste it however it smell nice leh. Will let it become cold then drink...nicer like that...

Also this is the new bottle i bought from Parkway NTUC, a 1L bottle cost $3.30. Nice right, it is the same brand as the containers i bought from NTUC to make the enzyme. This is the 1st time i saw it. I went to many different NTUC outlets but nvr come across...

Quite surprise that grapes actually very juicy, can yield so much enzyme, especially mid-way i stir abit and the fruits all float. I had a shock when i stir after 1 week, it became like beer/coke after u shake them produce alot of white bubbles, too bad i din manage to take picture, too shock to react...hahaha...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Enzyme making was on TV (HDB 太太)

Just now the (HDB 太太)program show the making of fruit enzyme. But they used the yellow lemon with the skin on...And mentioned that making enzyme for children do not require 14 days, 9 days are sufficient. Also saw them drinking in larger quantity, perhaps they have diluted with water.

I learnt that the "cosway" MLM also start selling enzyme, make up of more than 50 kinds of fruits & vegetables and being fermented for 8 months.They are now selling $28.90 (promotional price) for 300ml, usual price is $52. That is very expensive.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Enzyme - Organic cucumber

Because normal cucumbers are hard to find them fresh, so i bought 3 organic cucumbers last night from Shop & Save. They cost about $1 each. Still quite reasonable lah.

Also made another tub of lime, cos my mum help me buy a big bag from the market when i told her i cant find them in NTUC & Shop n Save. And they are so much nicer than what i bought last week. And i still ask her to grow some for me heehee...:D Not that i dont wan to grow myself, but my flat doesnt has common corridor that has got sunlight, that why, my rosella plant died shortly after CNY this year :( Actually, i have tried growing 鱼腥草,九層塔, all also died...:(

Not that i dont have green fingers, just i dont have the location. Last time when i lived in Tampines, we have big corridors, and i growed many plants & vegetable, long beans,caixin, sunflowers, chilli, & papaya etc, but of course the papaya din produce lah, my aunty said it was a male one hahaha...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Enzyme : Dang Gui (当归)

Tonight, i finally made the Dang Gui (当归) enzyme, however, we can only have the outcome 2 months later. Most Herb enzyme required these longer period to process. Just added the wild honey based on estimation, i really dont know how much to put. Also, along the way, we still need to top-up the honey as n when it is being absorbed by the dang gui.

So this dang gui (当归)enzyme will due on 25 Nov 2007.

I also want to share the red dragon fruit & radish enzyme i harvested last weekend, they were bitter, as though i dint add sugar. However, i used the rectangle rock sugar, and that could be the reason that causes them to be bitter. i added some usual rock sugar in the red dragon fruit enzyme, hopefully it can be absorbed (melted) by the enzyme, otherwise, i really find them bitter ...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Enzyme DIY : This week's making

This week, i made alot of oranges, haha, bec my girl said she wants. But that day i bought the Africa's orange wasnt very juicy, so today i went to buy Sunkist orange, and they r very juicy...All in all i bought, 10 + 16 oranges...still have 4 left.

Enzyme DIY : This week's harvest

Just harvest some fruit enzyme today. I have also bought some dang gui (当归). Didnt know that dang gui is expensive. 100g for $12. I bought 300g and given 20% discount...May be i seperate them into 2-3 parts.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Enzyme DIY

This week is enzyme making week again. Last night I have made the enzyme but too late liao so now then post.
3)orange enzyme.

This is the 1st time i make the lime 桔子酵素, dont know how it taste...I m still shopping for cucumber, but cannot find fresh ones, so have to wait. Then i wanted to do also a small quantity of 当归酵素,may be will go n buy tmr & try it out...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New type - Yellow Dragon Fruit

Look at this article on Yellow Dragon Fruit, published in today's newspaper. This is from Israel, very expensive $18.90/kg. Anyone tasted? Any comments? Haha use this to make enzyme probably have to wait till the price drop bah, is too steep liao....

Enzyme : My Grapefruit enzyme steps

This is my new work, haha, new slide show on grapefruit from making to harvest. But the colour of this grapefruit enzyme is different from the last time i made. The colour is lighter.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The enzyme book i bought from AMK hub popular last month. Now they have no stock available @ all popular in SG. This is not the book recommended by Aunty Irene, but both books are published by the same company in Malaysia. Not too sure if they have stock in Malaysia. The selling price here is $29.90, but selling RM$38 in Malaysia. This price RM$38 is stated in the book itself.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Limitation on Photobucket slideshow

I just found out that we are oni allow 10 free slideshows, thats y i cannot post my recents slideshows. Still searching for other providers ....:(

Monday, September 17, 2007

For sharing

This peeler i used to peel grapefruit & orange, but lemon cannot. Perhaps the skin too thick to be able to come off easily. Quite difficult to peel lemon...:(

I bought this new packet from NTUC, cheaper than Sheng Shiong. The first time i bought was from Sheng Shiong.

This mine collection for this week. All of them can harvest next week.

This is the red dragon fruit before topping up

After topping up 1st tub

2nd tub

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Enzyme : My Grapes Enzyme

Some how my slideshow cannot show. Dont know what happened. Shared so many time but still cannot be seen.

So i have to post the pictures one by one again....haiz...

Day 2 b4 topping up

Day 2 : Repeat step 1 - Grapes

Day 2 : Repeat step 2 - Lemon

Day 2 : Repeat step 3 - Rock sugar

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sad News

Rachel's granny has passed away peacefully last night!:(
The wake will be held today till tue.

This is a TW site in chinese, talk about enzyme in chinese aso. For those good in reading chinese.

I think this website below really nice to read up but abit too small & long:

Making Grapes Enzyme

See above for the slide show, i really give up :(...try tmr

Just finish peeling half bottle, the rest will continue tmr bah, quite late already. Anyway, since everyone is doing grapes enzyme, i aso join in the fun. Quite ok lah, just not satify with the result, quite easy to remove the seeds also. will contiune tmr and talk about the effect if the book do say so.

Do it the old way bah...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Posted so many times, trying to (edit/writing some notes) on the slideshow, but just cannot, really dont know what happen. Now got to write separately for the post below...sigh! Last week still can leh...:(

Bec they previous cucumber post's slideshow cannot be shown, need to re-upload again the steps

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cucumber enzyme

Earthquake again!

Earthquake again! Just now (7.50am) when i step in into office, i can feel abit from my chair, i thou the chair spring (up and down), last night the shake was left - right, but then realised it was really shaking from the news station 972...

Now i place my water bottle in front of me, shld it shake again, i can see instantly bah...:)

I was roaming around Bryan lao shi's blog and saw his recommendation on this blog, quite interesting for ladies..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We just experienced earthquake @ 7.15pm. When i just reached home myself, the hanging things were moving, i checked, but i haven open any window, so shld not have wind. I thou, could it be gxxxxx! Then i heard some noise, then again i thou got thieves. End up was my small grandfather clock, tick tock tick tock was knocking again the wooden casing. So can u image how serious it was. Previously whenever there are earthquake, we cannot feel. But this time, i can feel and very .

Then i sms my colleagues in office, they too experience it. cos we are at high floor. I live at #22, while my office located much higher...My neighbours were running down from higher floor and asked me to coming down quick. Then i told them no lah, the shake have stop...

Grapefruit Enzyme with Oligo

I have also made this tub of grapefruit enzyme with Oligo, meant for Rachel's granny, but she is now hospitalised, and fallen into semi-conscious, she has got heart problem and diabetic..:( Hope that she will be fine when this tub is ready in 2 weeks. Previously that tub that turn moldy was aso meant to give her but no luck. Let hope this tub will be fine as well as Rachel's granny....:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rosella enzyme - 洛神酵素

This is Rosella enzyme (洛神酵素). They need fresh Rosella, but is difficult to buy in Singapore although some fruit stalls do sell Rosella juice. When i approached them they dont sell in loose, and to public...

To make enzyme, we will need fresh Rosella & wild honey only. The book did not mention lemon.

The Rosella need to remove the shell and add in wild honey and soak for 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks.

Conclude last week's making

Monday, September 10, 2007

Today's making

Harvested papaya

Today, apart from making new enzyme, i have also harvested papaya enzyme. Three tub = 2 bottles of enzyme. Papaya really yield very little enzyme....mmmm as compared to other fruits...Extremely tired as now i have no helper to help with household work...Most difficult is to peel the green lemon & papaya. V time consuming

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Today i have made the cucumber enzyme and another tub of red dragon fruit enzyme. Today i also harvested the red dragon fruit enzyme, yesterday was the grapefruit enzyme. Quite happy with the harvest.

Cucumber enzyme can help in heatiness and 膽固醇。This is the 2nd time making, quite easy to make as compare to others. Just need to soak in vingear for 30 mins, then dry n sliced together with the skin.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Red Dragon Fruit Enzyme

Tonight, I made Papaya & Red Dragon Fruit Enzyme. Used 3 Red Dragon Fruits & 1 green papaya. As the green papaya still not too ripe. May be will continue somemore tomorrow. Quite time consuming in peeling the green lemon & papaya. Also learnt to create slideshow. V interesting...