Friday, August 31, 2007

Grapefruit leads to breast cancer?

A friend send me a email today regards grapefruit leading to breast cancer and i found some related articles from internet.

Any feedback?

Article date: 2007/08/16
Could eating grapefruit daily raise a woman's risk of breast cancer? Possibly, researchers from the University of Southern California report in the British Journal of Cancer.

But they stress that the finding is preliminary and must be investigated further before any recommendations can be made about how much grapefruit women should eat.

"It's an interesting hypothesis, there's biological plausibility, and we want other researchers to look at it," says lead study author Kristine R. Monroe, PhD, a research associate in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the university's Keck School of Medicine.

Monroe's findings come from data on 46,080 women taking part in a large lifestyle study of people from 5 ethnic/racial groups (African American, Japanese American, Hispanic/Latina, Native Hawaiian, and Caucasian) in Los Angeles and Hawaii. The women were all past menopause and none had ever had breast cancer. They filled out questionnaires about their eating habits that included information on how much grapefruit or pomelo they ate. They were followed from the study's beginning in 1993 to 2002.

The women who ate the most -- about one-quarter grapefruit per day or half a grapefruit every other day -- had a 30% higher risk of breast cancer than women who ate no grapefruit. The risk remained high even after the researchers controlled for other factors that could influence breast cancer, like weight, whether the women used hormone therapy after menopause, and family history of the disease.

Researchers say grapefruit's unique effects on metabolism may be behind the increased risk seen in this study. The fruit is known to interact with many drugs, causing more of the medication to circulate in the blood. In effect, many drugs become more potent if taken with grapefruit, and many carry warning labels about this potential effect.

Estrogen -- the hormone that fuels most breast cancers -- is one of the substances that interacts with grapefruit. At least two previous studies have found higher estrogen levels in women consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice, and the US Food and Drug Administration requires hormone replacement products to carry warning labels stating that grapefruit juice may increase the concentration of estrogen in the body.

Teacher's Day Card

Made some teacher's cards for my children's teachers with my newly bought craft accessories, very interesting to play with

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mandarine Orange Enzyme

Today i harvest the mandarine orange enzyme, about 700ml

Oligo, i used to make the grapefruit enzyme. This one is in liquid form

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Yesterday, my girl ear pain was back, in the morning, the teacher called us to pick her back from school, bec she was not her usual self. Not speaking, not playing & sad. When my mum reached her school, she was sleeping in her teacher's arm...

Then at home, she was crying the whole day over the pain, cannot drink her milk, cannot sleep, cannot eat. And yesterday was pouring almost the whole day, so we wait till evening when i came back from work, we brought her back to KKH, although her ear appt is oni next monday...

On the way, she keep asking me where are we going, which doctor? But I dare not mention KKH, bec she is so scare, just say oh we going kampong Java...there the doctor...and keep asking where n where and say she wan to see oni the NTUC doctor....

Reached there, she knew... so we have to divert her attention, lucky the nurse at the 1st check play with her and handled her quite skillful... then we were directed to the red door instead of waiting for q no....

The doctor came, she resisted as expected, but this time the doctor is much more skillful & fast in handling her although she used her full strength to resist... but daddy & mummy holding her down while the doctor examine her.

Then doctor see and said that her ear drum burst, as he could see the pus, thats why so painful. So he get the nurse to give her a higher dosage brufen... and keep her there to monitor, if after 2-3 hrs she is better then can go home...he also say, go buy her favourite cold drink & let her have it or ice...

While waiting, she drink milk & coke but she keep saying :"我要回家,我要回家"then she said again "我要回家",repeat all the way from 8 pm to 11pm...poor girl...

Finally the doctor see her again, how? better? Ya slightly better can drink a pack of milk & half can of coke...if give her injection, then she must stay in, but we said she wanna go ok, the doctor let her go but the pain is too much to bear bring her back within 24 hours and we dont need to pay again the $75...And give her 3 days MC... till Friday...And keep the Monday appt to see the ear specialist.

In the car, she immediately fall asleep, she probably afraid that she cannot go home or someone will see her ear again and dare not sleep in the hospital...but keep saying loudly :"我要睡觉,我很累,快点回家"

This morning she is better can walk around, watch TV, play & smile...

Monday, August 27, 2007

About Enzyme

Found this information from the internet:-

What are the functions of enzyme?

1. Regulate Body Function
Maintain blood pH at 7.35 to7.38
Maintain digestion system with balance friendly bacteria. Thus improve digestion and assimilation of nutrient needed by the body.
Maintain balance function of various organs thus improves body immune system.

2. Purifying the blood
neutralized, ingest and excrete the rubbish cause by pressure, tension, anger, and inflammation thus enhance blood circulation and overall well-being of the body

3. Decomposition
Ingest and remove the accumulated waste in the blood and affected part of the body thus helping digestion and assimilation of food.

4. Anti-inflammation
Enhance white blood cell production, thus reduce inflammation and improve self- healing abilities of the infected cells.

5. Anti-bacteria
Improves body self defense system, foreign invader(bacteria) have no chance to multiply, they will be ingested by body white blood cell and macrophage cell.(body defense system)

6. Improves blood clotting
Increase blood platelets production abilities thus enhance blood-clotting efficiency.

7. Cell regeneration
Promotes cells metabolism thus damage old cell can be regenerated to active new cells.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Papaya & Red dragon fruit Enzyme

My collections, 2 bottles due tmr, the rest will have to wait 2 weeks....
Friday :
Made 2 Big containers of Grapefruit; 5 Grapefruits
Sat :
Made 1 small container of Grapefruit with oligo;
2 Big containers of Red dragon fruit; 5 Red dragon fruits
Made 1 big & 2 small containers of papaya; 2 papaya

Papaya Enzyme, good for constipation. Thats why make so much.

Papaya Enzyme

Specially made with grapefruit & oligo instead of rock sugar.

Red dragon fruit


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Red Dragon Fruit - Enzyme & Grapefruit Enzyme

After missing for 1 week of posting on enzyme, i m back with better photo effects...Can fullfill Rachel & company on seeing nice pictures(眼福)...Rachel if free can drop by my place and taste sample of my harvests. Probably after i send back my FDW bah...1 more week to go...

This evening managed to buy oni grapefruit, the rest, were not so fresh, so just make grapefruit enzyme just now. And the green lemon, one shot bought more than 1kg, so i dont have to go so many times. Anyway, i intend to use up all my empty containers this weekend.

Grapefruit enzyme

My harvested this evening also, the red dragon fruit. Look like red wine hor.

I forgot to label all my bottles bought from Ikea. But this is about 600ml plus. I really think that this is very classic.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Some pictures taken with my new camera i bought last sat before the nightmare begin

The 2 pictures below were taken this evening @ 6.30pm.

Below 2 pictures were taken this morning @ 7.50am. So big diff right!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nightmare Over!

Can i consider my nightmare over when my girl din cry thru the night till this morning? Hopefully bah! This morning told me she wanna go to school! No of course cannot. What if someone in school accidental knock on the right face, I cant imagine what will happened.... Last evening, on our way home, my bag bump onto her right face, she already crying & screaming....and oni stop after almost an hour. Poor girl!

Lesson learnt for me, to start a log book for the children when they are sick, even the illness is very minor. Because we will never know when the minor will developed into major sickness. Because her ear infection was due to flu which recovered in 2-3 days but lead to this "hidden" sickness...

At least when the doctors and nurses asked :"what was/were the name(s) of the antibiotic, how high was the temperatures, when was the last time fever medicine given...etc", we as the parents/caretaker will be able to answer. The log book can consist of time/date, medicine name, amt taken, temperature taken when & how much...


My Enzyme: Tmr can harvest Red dragon fruit & cucumber .... Sat can make Red dragon fruit, papaya, grapefruit, orange (if they are available lah)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Terrible weekend

I m back! My youngest fall sick terribly sick of ear infection. The ear infection was there 2 weeks ago and recovered and recurred. This time was so serious that her temperature did not go down even with antibiotic and crying non-stop...In 2 days visited 2 doctors and hospital.

Because the NTUC clinic was not opened on Sunday, we had to visit the expensive clinic, bill $65... On Monday, when her temperature never return to normal, and still crying over pain in the ear and then the neck, i had to bring her to NTUC clinic, which have her records. There, she allowed the doctor to exam her ear without complain, but sunday she screaming when the doctor looked into her ear, (even at the doctor and nurse at the hospital). Then the doctor advise that we go to the hospital since he screen through the medicine and commented that they were right and her temperature never go down to 37plus but @ 38.6...

He gave me a choice, KK hospital or NUH. Of course KK, cos i stayed in the East. But when they call for appt and to be told that is a week later. Then the hospital suggested that we walk-in to their 24 hours children A&E. Then we went and me with the intention to use the baby bonus to pay for the bill since MOH has relaxed the rule on baby bonus usage. But met with red tape!

The KK hospital said we have to apply first, and the hospital will take 3 weeks to give approval! OMG, who the hell will anticipate when will the children be ill and apply 3 weeks ahead to be able to use it! They must be crazy, THEY ARE CRAZY!! When I knew that NTUC clinic allow the use of baby bonus, i just fill up the forms and instantly that visit i need not folk out a single dollar, and they will only bill me if they fail to get the money deducted from the baby bonus account. So what is the problem with our local reputated children hospital or all hospitals!

End up i have to pay $75 for registration and $39 for medicine. In 2 days = $65+$75+$39. And we have to follow up with the ear specialist in 2 weeks! So how much more cash we have to pay! If the MOH has given the green light, why must they still set the red tape! To make life so difficult and expensive for us! Sigh!

The doctor in the hospital diagnosed that properly the 1st antibiotic given was not long enough as she indeed response well to the antibiotic. SO the doctor now give her 10day course of the same antibiotic of higher dosages.

Now after completing 3 times of the antibiotic, the fever has stop climbing up. Bec the hospital doctor said if by Wednesday, the temperature still stay and nvr return to 37+, she must go back to hospital again. She now has started her singing again..."wanna become superstar wor". But i m very tired over so many days and nights....hope that i can return to my sweet dreams tonight...

Next, my FDW wanna go home after completing 1 year 2 months, agent call her to ask her why, she said she dont know how to work! can u imagine that...mmmm, so b4 my girl had her ear infection recurred, i had to run down to the agent to inform them to get necessary documentation done!Shit!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Grapefruit Enzyme

Harvested today

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Orange Enzyme

Harvested today, the orange enzyme.

No Enzyme making this weekend

I will not be making any enzyme this weekend, cos i wanna to clear all i have and start again next weekend with more empty bottles. So that i make only 1 or 2 fruits every 2 weekend with more bottles and the harvested will also be more bah.

Also i probably will be busy settling some "domestic helper's problem" Sigh!

And attend my cousin's new born 1st month celebration, i haven get to see her... v looking forward....

My harvests for this weekend will be white carrot, grapefruit and 1 small orange for corrine.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Orange Enzyme

This grapefruit enzyme was made on Sunday, until today i haven top-up. I used 3 grapefruits and about 3 lemon also. Hope i can find fresh grapefruit by tonight...haha today is the 4th day liao..

On Monday I bought some mandarine oranges (9) bec they are very fresh. Haha but they are not enough to fill the container. This orange enzyme was made on Tuesday..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Farm Visit - Qian Hu Fish Farm

Yesterday afternoon, my company organised a farm visit to Qian Hu fish farm. We had some new experienced, "Leg Spa" by the fish"...heehee...very interesting, very tickly...and the dead skin will be eaten by the fish...I feel that it is cleaner than doing pedicure...

This the green turles

Gold fish my favourite, but very difficult to rear.

Snail, dont know for what

This tree, the fallen leaves can be used to maintain water condition of the fish tank. And they sold a bag of these dried leaves for $4. Planting a tree, not oni can beautify, the dried leave still can recycled and earn money! wow!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Queenie say this is the one, put-put enters the race.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Steam cake

Long time didnt make the steam cake, still find that melting butter is so troublesome and time wasting...sigh! these little cup steam cake, using small bowls bought from Daiso, $2 each...for my children, they just love the cake...

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Xia ku cao, as taught by bryan...since today, or this few days are so so hot...I think is abit too much...1st time brew.

Pineapple enzyme is out.. is only this much.
not yet taste. must drink after meal .

Oh ya, i also made another bottle of grapefruit enzyme, 3 still not enough to fill to the top. Tomorrow must but somemore to top up...Wanted to buy mandarine orange but not very fresh. next week bah...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today's "menu"

  1. Red Dragon Fruit
  2. Cucumber

Today, i made the red dragon fruit & Cucumber. This time i use lesser lemon, 2 for red dragon fruit & 2 for cucumber usually i would used about 4-6 lemons, since the taste very"beer" & sour we shld use less lemon. And i use 2 Red dragon fruit & about 2 cucumbers.

I think both colour look very nice, very gentle green...well, the cucumber definitely not for me, but my mum or my uncle.

Cucumber & red dragon fruit


Red dragon fruit

Papaya Enzyme

Today harvested the papaya enzyme, my 2 containers of papaya enzyme only produced slightly more than 500ml of enzyme, very disappointed...

tasted like the orange enzyme, but has got some smell of papaya in it....

this time, i label the bottle so that i know how much i get. And how much must i prepare in order to get more

Friday, August 10, 2007


These pictures taken from the enzyme book. For viewing.

Fruitless Day

Today i took leave because my children has got no school. Initially, i planned to bring them to update their passport photo, later i thought of visiting my cousin whom just give birth to baby girl 2 weeks ago. But this morning, my mum told me that my cousin wont be in the afternoon, as they need to bring the little new born to doctor, so i revert to my initial plan

Haha, when we reached there about 1.30pm to the 3rd storey, the q to take a no was all the way to the end. WOW, & OMG, lets not do it today, is far too many ppl queuing to take the no! So we headed to Paco bugis (my children's favourite)..

mmm today i took leave and nothing accomplished!

But I have a deadline to meet for updating passport photo for them, that is by end August! Thereafter, all the passport are not allow to update of the law stated....SIAN!

Papaya Enzyme

My papaya enzyme taken today, tomorrow then can harvest...but it look different from eileen's papaya enzyme...see there is a white layer at the bottom.