Thursday, October 10, 2024


 I have not been here for a very long time and it still exists. 

Maybe I will consider to be back to write. 

Will see how it goes, if this mode / platform of writing is easy. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Spiritual Path

Time has changed and including myself. I cant believed I actually stepped into Spiritual Path last year December 11, something I never think I will ever do it or at least not now. But I am glad I did and I am happy practicing it.

From having to fast 82 hours to 30 Days (very strict) Vegan to 120 Days vegetarian with no chill, to now within the 120 Days, stop eating at 3pm and stop drinking at 5pm until the next day for 30 Days.  

These 150 days are very exciting. No regrets, but grateful and very appreciated.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

How wish I am a lost child of some billionaire family

Now, how wish I am a lost child of a rich family just like the Korean Drama. At least, I guess can help me in many ways, my life will not be so difficult. I am left with my friends, friends that I can go to are overseas, making the situation really hard to bear.

I am seriously very tired and not appreciated and yet being blamed for not doing "my job", when the "job" is nonexistent. 

At least I can hope and dream that I was a lost child in my dream every night, giving me hopes in my dreams.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Demised of an old friend.

Yesterday was supposed to be a good day, it was Lunar full moon, 小雪 and thanksgiving. But I received the new of my secondary friend passed on. He was fighting against the deadly cancer. He was my junior though he was older than me. Now, anyone that died, dying 90% or more are because of cancer. There is another friend in the hospital also fighting against this deadly cancer, stage 4.

This passing I feel it was my regret, because I did not go and see him. I met him few years back on a few occasions. Usually, I don't feel much of a passing of a person, because it is the nature of life, the SOP. But this particular one would be one of my regret in my life. 

When I have just learnt to raise my positive energy in life to fight obstacles coming your way. This month is my 7 Killing month, which I was quite worried as I experienced it 10 months ago in January after learning Bazi. Anything can goes wrong will wrong, Anything should not go wrong will also goes wrong. 

I was lucky at the beginning of my 7 Killing month, I attended Kevin Chan lesson on Bazi Module 1 & 2, my repeat, and have chance to ask him about the 7 killing and I do not have 7 killing in my natal chart. He said I need to learn to make right decisions. He said during the 7 Killing months, people tends to charge/execute, probably, these people need to use some EG to counter the 7 Killing, meaning, ASK. Ask, seek advice from other people before decision or do something.

Another help things that happened was to watch a drama 三生三世. I am so in love with the guy and the character in the drama and the OST, that I am full of love and maintain my positive energy until now. So I learned, to be into the story and be so in love. Dont just watch. I will keep hope & dream burning. Ha, but i think I have not encountered such handsome, tall, good character person in my life. I was into building this person bazi! but not quite successful.

When you have love, receiving love from the drama, dreaming about the love, and giving out love, life is so beautiful. I dont know how I can share this feeling with anyone. It is just so loving.

On learning my friend passed on, and with the regret I have, I think I was a little wakening. Though I know life is short, I knew this all along, but it just never hit me that hard with the regret. I will have to go and see my friends, my love ones, my family. 

JQ have a safe journey ahead! 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


It has been nearly 3 weeks since I first put braces. In the 1st week, I lost 2kg due to the fact that I am on soft diet, that is porridge. So happy about it. The 1st week was the more challenging one. Abit of uncomfortable, so I put the wax on the area where it irritate the skin. The one day, while I was having lunch, the wire at the back of the teeth came loose poking my flesh because I ate chicken rice. Then that evening I quickly went back to my dentist to get it back in place. It has since been in place. So far so good. Another thing during the 1st week was, the feeling of metal being pulling from the skin when opening the mouth and like all the moisture in the mouth evaporated. 

All these are gone into the 2 week. I am used to it and playing with the braces thereafter, like I am wearing a denture. I can bite abit more harder but still not as good. But I am ok with it. And I can see some of the teeth have moved, moved in line and moved closer to the hole. 

Into the 3 week, today, somehow, I feel a bit tightness of the teeth, maybe they are moving! I just hope the teeth can quickly close up the holes, so that I can eat easier and food would not stuck as much. Yeah! 

To conclude, I only have wax on for the 1st week. And the dryness also on the 1st week. Teeth start to move on the 2nd week.

Monday, July 03, 2017

So much has been done

Over the past 2 months, I have done a couple of things. I traveled to Gold Coast, extracted my teeth for braces, putting on braces, signing up for Korean language lessons, and my helper went home for holidays! Wow, indeed so many. Fruitful months.

So happening. The most rewarding thing is the crystals I bought from Gold Coast, many of them. And one of them even allow me to dream of my beloved grandfather whom left us 20 years ago. For the 1st time, I dreamed of him. I was so so happy. I get to see him again. He still looks the same, just that it was a dream and we did not communicate, and I was staying at his home in Pekan with my family. I only spoke to my aunt on phone in the dream. Good.

The the braces. To fulfill my dream of having straight teeth, thing that I did not complete 30 years ago. Then I just went to register with the Dental Centre and wait 3 years before the letter came to the 1st appointment. But I did not follow up due to various reasons. The comments about putting braces and my family was not well off. 

Until recently, sometime in May, I suddenly decided to proceed, since my daughters have made and 1 has completed. There comments were accepted. I decided to do it. So that I will not have regrets on this matter. And I have to extract 2 teeth and 1 wisdom tooth, at one go, the next day I returned from Gold coast. No pain but the after effect, also not pain just maybe the nerve or something making me a little headache.

Then come the putting braces, the doctor took about 2 hours. Just a little discomfort and cannot bite down the food, there pain is there, otherwise no pain, just discomfort, cannot really smile and closing the lip properly.

Well done to myself!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Madly in Love with the show and the songs

They are simply too beautiful. I have been listening to their OST the pass week. The 3 particular ones, You are my everything, Always and This Love. And I have made decision to start learning Korean Language and do braces to my teeth in the past 1 week. 

The language, which I did not really think of learning because a Korean tour guide ever told us that Korean language is not easy to learn. But I am so in Love with Korean song, that I wish I could sing them well.

The braces is one of my to do thing in my Secondary life. Somehow I did not pursue after so long. I hope I will not live in regrets. I have regrets in my life, I want to reduce them to the minimum. So that I will not have more regrets when I die.

Things I do not have a chance to do when I was younger, I want to do them now as much as many as possible. Last time was not possible, but now it is quite possible.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What I would like to do?

Last week when I was conversing with my gf, I said I wish to buy out my own time so that I do not have to work for other people. Then she asked me, so what am I going to do when I dont have to work for other people anymore? I said to her that I would like to study, read etc. And I spent quite some time to think about her question. 

Indeed, now I have a better answer, I would like to study and learn more things, such as now, the Korean language, because I am so in love the drama. I would like to read books, spending my whole day reading my books without worrying I only have so much time to read a day while I am working. I would also like to travel to other countries, slowly travel the country without having to worry that I only have so many days. In short, to enjoy my life in the way I want it to be. No restriction on my time. That's what I want to do when I am not working for other people anymore.

Isn't it more meaningful and useful life should be?

Monday, May 15, 2017


How nice if I was born at least a decade later!

I was watching the Descendants of the Sun over the past week. OMG. I am in love. When it aired in Korea last year, I dont find it nice because I did not watch it from the beginning. Now it is airing here. I am so addicted and I have finished the whole series. I am simply in Love. Although it was fairy tales type of story, it makes one live with lots lots of love and imagination, this make our life happy. Why not. 

Now I really wish I was born at least a decade later, I can chase my love in Seoul? I am just Seoul in Love. However this regret is beyond my control. I cannot determine my own birth. 

I am in Love with the show. I am in Love with the Songs. I am in Love with the languages. I am in Love Seoul. I am in Love with the cast. I am so in Love.

Thursday, May 04, 2017


I have forgotten about writing this week due to a public holiday.

Planning for a vocation in June. It has been years since we went on a vocation in June. June is rather short especially if the children have to go back to school. However, I decided to have one this year as girl going to start school in August and she might not be able to have holiday with us in Dec. And she had wanted to go a to a English country, but the father not very willing to let her go with her friend there, as we deem unsafe. I m however willing to let go, then the friend's parents also not willing so they call off the trip. There I planned one with our family instead. The younger ones were overwhelmed!

For once, I m travelling in June and for once I booked a trip so last minute. Lucky the Air ticket wasn't that expensive as compared to going to Korea. Now left with planning the itinerary. Will do it when the girls finished their exam next week. I am getting excited too. So long I have not stepped into the Land, 22-23 years!

I must also plan what crystal to buy. There are quite a number of crystal shops there.

Holiday shall start soon! 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Aging & Old age

Recently I met up with my girlfriends and we talked about mainly family, families. Let me talk about aging.

We all are aging, everyday, every one aged. Then, when we reached this age, we have more, i.e. sickness, illness. 2 of my girl friends' families members have gotten cancer. The killer. One is a father-in-law (fil), another one is a sister-in-law (sil). The fil case we knew of it long ago, just it has deteriorated. And the sil case is a new and sudden. Fil, is just prolonging his life, while the sil just started a very fierce treatment, Radiation Therapy, 33 cycles at one go. 

How a person can withstand the 33 cycles treatment! But the way, she is younger than me I assumed, just gave birth to a second son few months ago. Wish her all the best and fast recovery! Stay happy and let go everyone!

Any better ways to avoid? 


Old age, meaning our old folks at home. I think I am lucky with one surviving parent, not that I am happy about it. Seeing how the old folks at home don't talk with each other, go to the hospital A&E alone, find fault with each other, having one less is easier I supposed. 

My parents married not on dating but match-make. And I seldom have peace when I was young. One of my girlfriend told us her father admitted to the hospital in the mid of the night by himself. And it was when the hospital called my friend up then she/they know that he was in the hospital. Suspected mild heart attack. She still has a pair of parents living together but not talking to each other. 

Then we have cases of impossible sibling/children, where they are unfilial, and then returned when they are broke and fallen. When they were gracious and rich, they ignore their family and parents. This angered many of the sibling who are taking care of the parents.The parents being biased and favour, hurts even more to the children taking care of them. And many more different type of stories. 

How can one avoid all this? 
Parents must be fair.
All the children must guided properly to correct moral with good education.

What's your take?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Rental is the killer.

I forgot I need to write a blog today, that why it is now then I get to post my blog!

Today I shall write about rental. I believe rental or the landlord is the killer for most retails, F & B, and whatever it is around the world. Recently, I saw a banner hanged on the hoarding of a construction site, near finishing stage, was stated to complete by 31 March 2017. But it is still finishing its work. It is a hub. 

I have an idea, to open a franchise for a bakery shop, space needed between 200 to 500 sqft. The net profit is about 45% according to the website, but after consulting a friend who is in this franchise say the net profit is about 35% of the gross sale, and still need to less off the overheads and I only have half the capital needed to start the franchise, therefore I need some investment from others. 

We call up the lease management company and was told that there is an 2nd round tender for the space. And we receive the notification and ask if we would like to tender. We wrote back to say we are interested and they forwarded us the tender information. Oh well.

They gave us the estimate guide rent per month plus the services and conservancy fees plus central aircon fee (TBA) and government tax. Even if I were to tender for say $3000 per month for rent, and say I was awarded, the total amount I need to pay to the landlord is around $4500-$4800, for a space of 300 plus sqft. The guided rent is more than double the amount I wish to tender.

After much calculation, we decided we will not proceed with the tendering. The net profit from Gross sale is about 35%, and we still have to pay rent and salary, how much is left? However, I personally feel that the risk can try, if all the capital is my own money, I lose it I can start all over again, but if I own other people money, I will take longer to start all over again.

Although I know property is one of the best profit, but I just can't help to think from the point of consumers and tenants. Even they know that retails are going down hill, they still want to command high rent, and occupation rate is low, will it be one day, there is no more shopping malls, or the shopping malls have got no shop that is occupied. 

How to do business and be our own boss?

Sunday, April 09, 2017


I have been practising prosperity for weeks, and sometimes it is effective sometimes it is not. I do know that we should always focus on positive, but sometimes the negativity will just appear. I guess I have to keep practising and pushing away the negative.

Over the week, more positive than negative appear to me. I was treated lunch by my immediate supervisor because she just has her promotion. Another colleague bought me my favorite Soju because I gave her some "information" on numerology and she was amazed how accurate. Then I sold my pair of used Everbest Shoes after quite a long time. At least it helps me to save space for other shoes and earn back some money. And finally, my hubby's aunty gave us a treat (dinner) because she strike lottery. So nice of them, and I am really grateful.

Thank you.

I am practising prosperity for me to buy back my own time instead of selling my time to company. I also wish to bring much more comfortable life for my family, with bigger / prettier house and travelling without limits.

These are the affirmation for the day:
I spend money wisely;
I have more than enough;
I am receiving more money today;
I have the exact knowledge that is required to make my success perfect;
Everyday in every way, my wealth is increasing;
I welcome abundance and I share in abundance and all the riches of the planet with everyone I meet;
I am attracting more and more money everyday;
I am a wealth creator;
I am becoming more abundant by the day;
The Universe conspires to give me everything I need;
Everything I need for success comes to me effortlessly and easily;
I am using the money to bless my life and other people's lives;
I deserve all good things;
I love money and money love me;
I am grateful for my ever-increasing wealth and prosperity;
I am becoming richer by the second;
I am a money magnet;
I am open to money coming to me from new ways that I've never imagined;
I create wealth and prosperity with case;
I thank Universe for all the prosperity that is mine today.

So what is your desire?


Monday, April 03, 2017

Changing my routine

Today, I start a new routine. For the past 2 years plus I have been arriving at the office 1 hour ahead of my official start work time, hitching a free ride from hubby. This morning I took a bus and a train and I was 30 minutes late. I could have just taken a train straight from my home but because the morning peak hour, the crowd is horrifying, so I try out a different route by taking a bus and half way switch to train. It was less crowded. Just the express bus timing was delayed and went to take a normal bus instead. If the bus came on time, I supposed I would not be so late.

I will do it again tomorrow., since I could avoid the heavy crowd at the train station. With such, I get to sleep a little more of about 40 minutes. And the time passes in office seems faster. I also get to see my Becky before I leave the house as he now is awake. Previously, when we leave the house, he was still in daze from waking up. I also get to prepare more food for him.

We must learn to see and observe other method of doing our routine. This idea of switching transport modes came from my daughters. One day when they go to school themselves, I texted them to ask about their timing and the bus they take. It din came to my mind that they could take an Express bus that happened to operate during that peak period and stop by their school bus stop. It was a pretty fast journey. It then ring a bell on my mind that I could do the same, as there is a train station there too. They indeed the smarter ones. 

Good try.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Annual Promotion

Will start out to write "Newsletter" weekly, hope I am not writing irrelevant stuff.

Will start off with the common topic on annual promotion. March is the month across most government agency, will exercise their annual promotion announcement. Though my company is not a government agency, we practice this exercise this month as well.

By 31 March, this day every year, there are always people with happy mood, sad mood and angry mood.

Happy mood needless to say, they are promoted.
Sad mood also needless to say, they are not promoted.
The last group, angry mood. These group of people are usually not promoted and angry at those people promoted. Why? It is because their contributions are not being recognised, while those promoted, did not or contribute much lesser, yet they are given the recognition and promotion.

This year we have a good example. One executive who was assigned more work and work hard in the past year, was not promoted. While the other executive, had taken many leaves, absent and had nothing much to do during the same period, was promoted. So one of them I assumed is angry, while the other one is elated.

My own scenario in the past, the manager took 2 months of Hospitalisation leave and refused to come back to hand over the work, was promoted. I was also the manager, had to cover her work in her absence, have higher output than the manager was not only not promoted but also had a drop in grade. How unfair! Angry mood, till now.

In my 20 years working life, this is common. Is there a way to end such unjustified treatment? Until now, I don't think there is. Because, there are management who like people to carry favour. There are also management who go by the book. When these 2 types are in the same company such conflict will sure surfaced.

The best way to get out of this cycle, is to buy back our time instead of selling them to company and get such treatment.

Congratulation to those promoted!
For those not promoted, we all know you have work and work hard!

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Testing testing

Just wanna try from iOS safari. All ok except photo uploading.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Unexpected results

Big girl got her results last week, and it was beyond our expectation or her expectation, I personally do not have any expectation on her because I do not know of the grading system, so I have no ideas. And got almost straights A, with a B.  Good right! 

I also did not announce her results, it is the tuition teacher mentioning it. And at 2 friends came to ask about my "way of teaching and etc etc". But those who knows me know that I dont send my children to all the tuition unless they needed help. So I have nothing to share with them and I did nothing to help them to achieve such results, it is all their own hard work. It is not my credit. Maybe it is my genes, hahaha, but I am a super late boomer.

I am glad and well done, big girl.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

New learning!

i have embarked into new learning again. This time dress making and bazi studies! Yeah! I have things to do again!

Btw, my assignment 2 years ago on property development, my ideas will be materialised by someone though! But at least ny ideas to re-developed the princess's cinema into multi plex! I was overwhelmed! I also emailed my lecture who has given me 95 marks for that assignment!

I must live my life to the fullest!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My luck!

Lets amplify my luck for tomorrow! The 7 million dollar prize to be won! Yeah I want!

Only good lies before me. 

My wishes are:

Win toto 1st prize;
Renovate my home;
Travel frequently to my favorite;
have a meaningful job;
Setup my own shop

Thank you!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Alan's Wedding

On sat we attended Alan's wedding. It has been 21 years since his father, my uncle passed away. It was only until sat, my 3rd said that Alan was unable to accept, he was only 6 years old then. His mother said, everyday he would go to the balcony to tears is like coming down, I controlled. It lasted about few weeks. I didn't know about this at all. And even if I do, what I can do. I was only 21 years then. All of us couldn't accept it I believed. 

Now his wedding, he choose to have it on this August, is also because his wife's father is down with cancer and the doctor gave him 2 months span left. His original date for the wedding is in November and now had to rush it. Anyway, they are Christian, not really bother by the lunar calendar. I just felt pity and sad.

My Kuantan aunty and hubby flew in to attend as well. Bring them out for meals and my gardens on Sunday, since it is a tourist attraction. I am glad that they enjoyed it. We also went to 3rd uncle house, which non of us has been before. His "newer" flat.

Had a tiring but fruitful weekend with my family.

Friday, August 05, 2016

National Day coming. TGIF

Next week is our national day again. Not excited, more excited expecting my aunty coming for a wedding.

It has been coming 2 years since I finished my studies and I m still same in the same company doing nothing useful and meaningful. Is a waste of time, but I need the income. So I have no choice. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Upsize my iphone yesterday! Next stage of life begins! Data also upsize. Storage also upsize. All about upsizing

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tell me what should I do!

It has been more than 7 months since I finished my studies and I still have no ideas what should I do? Can someone please please enlighten me? I really wish to get out of my present workplace! Please help me! Please!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

iPhone again

I m back to iPhone user again after skipping the 5 series! Ha I have no choice I believe, given the Samsung quality.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My S5 died

My S5 screen died on me after only 14 months. Pretty upsetting because it is only 14 months old and I have not backup my data. Plus it is really not worth spending that money for such quality.

Have to think about switching to iphone again. IPhone has the extended warranty as the plus point.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Affirmation for work

I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position,
one that uses all my talents and abilities, and
allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me.
I work with and for people whom I love, and
who love me and respect me,
in a wonderful location and earning good money.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

My respect and thank you to you, Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I made it, to pay my last respect and gratitude to Mr Lee, the last day for the public to pay respect to him at the Parliament House. The actual plan was to go at 1am Saturday morning. However, there was news that the queue at Padang was suspended until further notice. We went back to bed.

Then we decided we will just attend the state funeral on Sunday. However, I still feel regret not having to pay him the last respect personally. Therefore, after lunch, I told my family I am going to queue now, 1.15pm. My 2 younger have piano lesson could not come with me. It is just too regretful and heart pain not attending.

I reached cityhall at about 2pm. Along the way, there were numerous helpful volunteers, staff, Army officers and many more. They were there to guide, encourage and provide us with food, water, umbrellas, raincoats, sweets, tissue paper, fanning the hot crowd and even staff pick up the rubbish on the street. We are Singaporean doing for each and everyone of us for one man, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

I finally reached the Parliament House around 6pm. Say my final Thank you to you. I will not have regret for this. What you have done for us most of your life, this is nothing comparable to you.

Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Too sad to pen.

I thought I wanted to pen some word on Tuesday, but was too upset and worry I could not control my emotion. It is just to sad and pain to write espeically the son has to announce on TV to the country on his father's passing. It it just too hard to take.
Although I have not seen him in person before, but his passing is just like a close relative passing, because I know him all my life. This week is a national mourning period, where the TV channels are screening everything about him and really nothing else much. The radio channels are not playing fast music and other active programmes. All programmes came to a halt, including events that are free such as free instrumental musics at concert halls.
From Wednesday, the public could start paying their last respect to Mr Lee at the Parliment house after the coffin moved from Istana to Parliment house on Wednesday. The queue to pay the respect lasted as long as 8 hours and this prompted the Governement to make it 24 hours round the clock to allow the public to pay the respect.
On the 1st night after midnight, some queued only as short as 2 hours. So we are planning to pay our last respect to Mr Lee on Saturday early morning about 4am.
There is also campaign going on for all Singaporean to wear black top on Sunday, the funeral day. And another petition to rename Changi Airport to LKY Airport. However, there was not group urged not to wear black top on Sunday, instead wear white or plain colour, it is making me confused.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Another Loss of the Country & People

Today, we marked another great losses. The passing on of our 1st PM. Hope he RIP.

Monday, March 16, 2015


This afternoon, saw a post on FB of a friend passing on. Yesterday, was a post of CEO's mother passing on. Both died peacefully in their sleep. One is very old of 92, one is 42.  May they both rest in peace.